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Chapter 36: The Old Tower

General Summary

Date: 21st of Eleint to 6th of Marpenoth, 1491 DR

  While the rest of the party is searching for the lockbox in the House of Wands, Belros sleeps in the tavern. He dreams of a creature talking of killing giants. Belros accepts the will of the creature and grabs the sword it is offering. When he wakes, his sword has a new black tint on it and some new properties. The rest of the party meets up with Lilith at the Missing Minotaur and returns the lockbox to her and after requesting a reward, receive a bag of holding. After this, the party returns to the tavern where Belros is. In the morning, they eat breakfast and Nomime identifies the items found at the House of Wands.   Because Bene's new hook hand still requires a few days of work, the party decides to spend some time in Everlund. Bene makes some poisons and Nomime learns Scrying in efforts to try to find her father. The next day, the party returns to the Harper tower in search for a crystal ball. While Nomime tries to buy one from Krowen with the help of Ranvas and Belros, Bene lurks around the tower and shoves dozens of crystal balls and other artefacts into the bag of holding. Krowen informs the party of the Cult of the dragon possibly working with Cloud giants at Grey Peak Mountains. Furthermore, he shares that a dragon named Iymrith has taken the north parts of Anauroch as her domain. Rumor has it her two offspring circle around the area and have been spotted near Ascore. Nomime casts Scrying in the evening but the spell fails.  
The next morning, the party heads towards the Evermoors through Silverwood in search of hill giants. The party investigates the moors and Ranvas and Belros hear something in the distance. As the party gets closer they can distinguish the sound to be dragon roars. The party track the sounds through the night but to no avail. They decide to rest next to some boulders. However, the rocks turn out to be a resting Stone Troll. The troll awakens and notices Belros and Nomime while Ranvas and Bene successfully hide.
The party has some difficulty targeting the troll and it heavily damages Belros. However, slowly Ranvas' gun shots and the rest of the party's efforts the troll's protective stone skin starts to chip away. The troll manages to deal even more damage to Belros causing him to fall to the ground. Bene pours a healing potion down his throat and Belros manages to deal some damage to the troll. Finally, the party's efforts are rewarded and the troll falls to the ground. Bene collects one vial of troll blood.   After the battle, the exhausted party notices a cloud giant castle high in the sky. The debate whether they should try to go there. Nomime uses Scrying again to see, if his father is in the castle but can only see the outside of the castle. They cannot figure out a way to get to the castle and realize they have come to the wrong place for hill giants.  
The party travels days towards west, where the environment might be more suitable for hill giants and enter Flint Rock where they find some sort of altar and hills there shape of elk. Ranvas notices two elk and shoots one of them. As the elk falls down, black tears run out of Ranvas' eyes. This worries everyone else and they encourage Ranvas not to shoot the other one. Bene investigates the cairns under the elk hills and finds some coin. Nomime tries to follow the wounded elk but ends up looking over a broken tower which is blocked by a giant boulder. Inside she hears some sounds, as if someone talking. She calls for the rest of the party to join her.   Bene and Ranvas can hear that the person inside is speaking giantish. They are hungry and sad. Bene calls for the giant to come out and tells her that they have food. Ranvas fetches the dead elk and feeds it to the giant. The party learns that the giant's name is Moog and her husband was taken by the hill giant chief. She is hungry because her husband was in charge of feeding her. Bene manages to convince the giant to take the party to the chief. In return they would get her husband back.
Moog leads the party southwards for days. Finally, the party discovers a giant giant stronghold Grudd Haug  (pun intended). What will the party do now? How will they get inside the stronghold and make it back alive? How will they recognize who is Moog's husband?

Rewards Granted

  • Bag of Holding
  • Rune Magic -feature

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Returned the Black Iron Key to the Zhentarim

Character(s) interacted with

Storm King's Thunder
Neutral Good Half-Elf (Military / Infrantry)
Paladin 7
57 / 57 HP
Nomime Shandri
Bene Lugosi
Chaotic Neutral Human (Charlatan)
Rogue 1
10 / 10 HP
Ranvas Pahrunath
Neutral Good Triton (Outlander, Pilgrim)
Fighter, Gunslinger 1
14 / 14 HP
Report Date
20 Feb 2023
Secondary Location


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