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Cult of Talos

A group that has been operating in the region for some time now, bent on bring destruction and devastation. Talos known as “The Storm Lord” is an elemental god of storms and destruction. His hold over nature, particularly his ability to create destructive storms, forest fires, earthquakes and tornadoes warrants druids and rangers potentially have vast stores of knowledge about him, as his evil actions affect nature first and foremost.   Noted Members:   Anchorites of Talos: Drethna, Grannoc, Gorthok, Moesko


The clergy of Talos have no formal hierarchy, obedience is enforced through strength and threats. The anchorites of Talos were a reclusive group who rarely operated in large numbers. All members shared both human and orc ancestry, and were blessed by Talos with mastery over lightning, including allowing them to cast lightning bolts at their enemies. In addition, the anchorites were all wereboars, and revered one of Talos's servants, the primal spirit known as Gorthok the Thunder Boar.


Because of its dogma of destruction, worship of Talos is outlawed in many countries.

Public Agenda

Talos instructs his priests to spread destruction. The anchorites served Talos's will by inflicting destruction on those they saw as intruding on their territory. They performed rituals in honor of Talos, often involving humanoid and animal sacrifices followed by dancing. These rituals were used to invoke Talos’s favor, to create magical storms in his name, and to summon Gorthok the Thunder Boar to wreak havoc. The anchorites also nurtured and made use of other monsters to attack local populations, including ankhegs and blights.


Churches were often abandoned castles or fortified strongholds that lay on earthquake fault lines or in the path of regular storms or even lava. Talos ensured they remained mostly unscathed. As shape-shifting hermits, the anchorites had little use for most possessions. The wore clawed gauntlets for use in combat, and crafted gruesome totems as part of their rituals. These totems often took the form of effigies marked with the holy symbol of Talos, and were bound in hair and/or dipped in pig's blood.


Around Phandalin the Cult of Talos is mostly active around the coast. There are a group of Talos worshiping half-orcs known as the Anchorites of Talos that operate in Neverwinter Wood. There are rumors they have allied with the Talos worshiping orcs of Icespire Hold that have been seen around Phandalin of late. The anchorites of Talos were active in the late 15th century DR, shortly after the Second Sundering in which their god Talos was once again recognized as a distinct deity from the orcish god Gruumsh. The anchorites became notable threats during the period in which the white dragon Cryovain claimed the area north of the Sword Mountains as his hunting ground. A tribe of orcs was driven from their stronghold at Icespire Hold by the dragon, and made their way to the anchorites in Neverwinter Wood for assistance. Bolstered by these orcs, the anchorites became more bold in their efforts to push logging and hunting operations out of their territory, and plotted to summon Gorthok the Thunder Boar to aid them. At the same time, or perhaps beginning even before the arrival of Cryovain, many anchorites joined forces with the Cult of Talos, led by Fheralai Stormsworn, who aimed to wreak havoc on trade in the region. The magic of the anchorites bewitched the lighthouse beacon atop the Tower of Storms on the coast of the Sea of Swords, luring ships to crash on the cliffs so that the cult could plunder them.
Religious, Cult
Alternative Names
Anchorites of Talos
Training Level


These two factions seem to be at war.

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