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Leilon - A City Reborn



  Leilon is a port city sitting along the rocky coastline of the Sea of Swords, directly North of the Mere of Dead Men. Crags of the Sword Mountains loom over the seaside city. The city lay at an equal distance between Waterdeep, in the South, and Neverwinter, in the North. Prior to the Spellplague it was regarded as an ideal location for trade and place of rest for weary travelers making the long journey to the larger cities that lay North or South.  


  In the mid-to-late 14th century, prior to the Spellplague, Leilon was an ally of Waterdeep and a member in good standing with the Lords' Alliance, thanks to the efforts of its leader Lord Pelindar Filmarya. Following the Spellplague in 1385 DR, the town was all but destroyed. Abandoned and left to rot - the city lay unclaimed for nearly 100 years.  


  Leilon was an ideal mid-point between the cities of Waterdeep and Neverwinter - making it a hub for trading for the villages and towns that lay to the East in the Sword Mountains and beyond. As both a port town and a town situated along main caravan routes, Leilon saw equal parts trade from sea as well as from land. At the heart of the city lay a vast silver mine that, until the start of the Spellplague, was operated by the Dwarves of Thornhold who resided to the South. The mine producing untold wealth for the city and for the dwarves who operated the mine within the city walls.  



Pre- Spellplague

Before the calamity of the Spellplague befell Faerun in the late 14th Century, Leilon was on it's way to becoming a city of considerable influence and power along the Sword Coast. The city, defended by it's strong walls and strategic location for trade, had drawn some of the most influential people of the age. Traders. Merchants. Visiting monarchs and leaders. The city being ran by Lord Pelindar Filmarya.   Amongst this influential ilk was the powerful wizard Thalivar who, in the late 13th century to early 14th centry constructed one of Leilon's most recognizable structures: The High Tower of Thalivar. A massive wizard's tower lying just outside the city wall on a point overlooking the entirety of Leilon's harbor known as the Quayside. The tower doubled as a warning to sailors traversing the coastline at night. The tower was a true marvel along the Sword Coast - magically warded by one of the strongest wizards of the age and guarded by fearsome magical beasts.   Under Filmaray's leadership, the city enjoyed several centuries of prosperity. But, like any major city, there also came strife. For Leilon it came in the form of shadowy organizations like the Zentharim a the Cult of the Dragon working in the shadows for their nefarious purposes. The latter of which was rumored to have dealing with a black dragon living in the Mere of Dead Men named Voaraghamanthar. There were also tales of local cults who worshipped undead wizards and spirits of the mines.    

Spellplague Destruction

As with the rest of Faerun, between 1385 and 1395 DR, the Spellplague ravaged Leilon. But the resulting destruction that was wrought was almost unmatched in any other location in Faerun.   Unknown to the leaders of the city, and protected by his magical wards, the wizard Thalivar dabbled in dark magics in his tower in Leilon. The powerful wizard using his discovery of a powerful Netherese artifact to summon forth interplanar creatures and deal in undeath. His experiments, however, were controlled by his powerful magical wards. Containing the creatures he summoned. That is, until the Spellplague struck and in a surge of unbridled Wild Magic, his wards were destroyed. Releasing his experiments that killed the wizard and then set upon the city....   Following that fateful day, the city was all but destroyed. The inhabitants fleeing the onslaught and leaving a ruined, most destroyed, city in their wake. Abandoning the city and establishing trade routes that took them around the once prosperous trade hub and home to so many.    

The Purge

The city of Leilon lay a ghost town for nearly 100 years. The ravages of time, mother natures, and the undead denizens of the city leaving an empty husk of the once grand city nestled amongst the seaside cliffs. That was until the year 1485 DR when Ulrist Brighthelm, King of Thornhold enlisted the help of three unlikely adventurers. Traveling through the town of Thornhold, Alonach Niric , Alisdair Galloway, and Val Galanodel were tasked with adventuring into the city to clear out the long lost silver mines in hopes the dwarves may reclaim them. The dwarves hoping the passage of time had lessened the threat.   These three adventurers, with humble beginnings, would come to be known as the Saviors and, eventually, Lords of Leilon. The trio, along with help from a duo of dwarven warriors (Vent and Genk) would eventually purge not just the silver mines but would find and destroy the source of the undead scourge that still lay upon the city in the Tower of Thalivar.    

New Beginnings

Following the cleansing of Leilon, the trio of companions never could have imagined the symbol that Leilon was to become.   It started with a vision of Alonach Niric; A vision of a simple temple devoted the the draconic god, Bahamut - patron of the Talons of Justice and Alonach. Who's aid was paramount in re-taking the city. Funds from the newly established mine were set aside. Artisans and craftsmen from across the realm were enlisted. And before long construction was underway.   But what the trio could never have understood at the time was what they had truly started. Leilon wasn't a temple. It was a symbol. A symbol of re-birth. A symbol of hope for the war torn and ravaged lands of the Sword Coast. A symbol of hope and safety for those who needed it. And before anyone could have imagined it, people began flocking to the city. The rejected; the down trodden; but also those simply seeking new beginnings.   The city began to grow rapidly. In the course of two years the temple well underway, the city walls being reclaimed and repaired, long abandon homes, inns, businesses being given new life. The atmosphere in the city was palpable - no longer one of despair and death but of hope and optimism. Of a shared belief between all that came to live there of a brighter future.   This invitation extending far beyond the 'normal' inhabitants of the Sword Coast, too. An embassy with the Storm Giants being constructed at the bequest of Alonach Niric. The order of the Talons of Justice relocating their base of operations to act as the protectors of this new city including Azhaq of Xymor himself. The rebuilding of wizard's tower, the construction of a orphanage, and more...  

Notable Locations

  • Temple of Bahamut - Established 1485 DR by Alonach Niric and the Talons of Justice. This large cathedral stands as a focal point within the city but also as the base of operations for the Talons of Justice.
  • Tower of Thalivar - Established by the Wizard Thalivar before the Spellplague in 13th century DR, this tower now stand a crumbling ruin of it's former glory. No longer inhabited by the dark denizens that once destroyed the city.
  • The Singing Raven - A modest and recently re-established inn near the West entrance to the City of Leilon. Often frequented by paladins and other members of the Talons of Justice when off duty.


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