DIGE Character in Faerûn | World Anvil
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Divine Information Gathering Entity (a.k.a. D.I.G.E.)

Divine Information Gathering Entity (D.I.G.E.) was created by unknown person on an unknown world/plane. He had a full life there, but doesn't remember it. His parts are mismatched, representative of the blending of many things into a whole.   His primary directive is currently to watch for evidence of Io in the world, though he doesn't know who that is.   In fact, he was a soldier in primordial armies during the Dawn War. During that time, he was in service to Asgorath (a.k.a. Io). After Asgorath was defeated/imprisoned in the Dawn War D.I.G.E. was powered down where he was one of few surviving Warforged on an icy moon in the astral sea where the spirit of an ancient Yugoloth, Tyrnathraxus, had been imprisoned long ago.   Tyranthraxus subtly manipulated Asgorath into throwing the ice moon at Abeir-Toril during the Tearfall. His plan had been to possess D.I.G.E as the ultimate host once freed of his prison after impacting Abeir-Toril. However, the First Sundering foiled this plan, as D.I.G.E. ended up at the bottom of the Sea of Falling Stars on Abeir while Tyranthraxus' spirit ended up trapped on Toril (eventually infesting the Pools of Radiance).   During the Spellplague parts of Abeir and Toril merged once again, and the ruins at the bottom of the Sea of Falling Stars appeared back on Toril once more. They did not return to Abeir during the Second Sundering. Just before the Second Sundering, Asgorath's spirit returned to Toril and attempted take physical form by posessing D.I.G.E. The attempt was only minimally successful, however, as the changes wrought by Tyranthraxus bound D.I.G.E. to his spirit instead. This partial merger, however, has gifted D.I.G.E. with divine powers of the Forge domain which stem Asgorath's own powers.   Tyranthraxus is not initially aware of D.I.G.E.'s sudden presence. However, his primary current primary directive was programmed by Tyranthraxus after the Tearfall but before the First Sundering. He also has a secondary directive that was programmed by Tyranthraxus, though it is currently unknown to D.I.G.E. Once evidence of Io is found, this directive will take over and D.I.G.E. will be directed to return to Tyranthraxus with the evidence and submit to being posessed.


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