Reghed Nomads Organization in Faerûn | World Anvil
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Reghed Nomads

Tribes of human barbarians called Reghed operate in Icewind Dale. Hunters and raiders who value strength and devotion to their ancestral heroes, they claim a great many heroes among their honored dead, including some who were responsible for the safety of Ten-Towns, Icewind Dale, and beyond. A Reghed camp is made up of a large ring of hide tents, able to be broken down and transported as the Reghed move to keep up with the herds of reindeer they depend on for food and clothing.   The Reghed wear heavy furs as well as gloves, boots, and masks made of animal hide, to protect themselves from the bitter cold.


A number of tribes are represented—the Elk, the Tiger, the Wolf, the Bear; each with it's own leadership.   There used to be more than four Reghed tribes, but the others have all disbanded over the past century, with many of their former members settling in Ten-Towns and abandoning their traditional ways.


They are the tribes of Icewind Dale, proud and strong, bound to ancient traditions that have kept them alive through countless harsh winters.   The Reghed tribes rely on a nomadic lifestyle to survive, as they follow herds of reindeer along the route of the animals’ annual migration. When they make camp, the tribesfolk live in large, round tents made of deerskin and supported by wooden shafts.


Although they originally descended from humans who were predominantly blue-eyed and fair-haired, the Reghed tribes have assimilated other folk, adding new blood to their dwindling ranks.
Geopolitical, Nomadic tribe
Alternative Names
Reghed Tribesfolk


The Reghed Nomads have risen up against the Ten-Towners in the past. Icewind Dale was first and foremost the home of the Reghed Nomads and they see the Ten-Towners as having stolen their land and competed for their resources.

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