Tribe of the Elk Organization in Faerûn | World Anvil
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Tribe of the Elk

Of the four remaining Reghed tribes, the Tribe of the Elk is the largest and the most tolerant of outsiders. It’s also the tribe of the hero Wulfgar, son of Beornegar.   Members of the Elk Tribe view the people of Ten-Towns as “tame folk,” who are ill bred and ill equipped for life in Icewind Dale. The tribe keeps its distance from Ten-Towns to avoid misunderstandings, since the appearance of Elk Tribe hunters near Ten-Towns has been known to panic Ten-Towners who live in constant fear of attack.
Geopolitical, Nomadic tribe
Leader Title
Parent Organization
Notable Members


The tribe keeps its distance from Ten-Towns to avoid misunderstandings, since the appearance of Tribe of the Elk hunters near Ten-Towns has been known to panic Ten-Towners who live in constant fear of attack.


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