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Iboria Empire

Founding of a Empire

Iboria was a started out a small kingdom During the first age of man in the north west corner of Aenulend continent. Remnants of a dragon kingdom during the dragon age and wars. The king Makaros Iboria the Conqueror claimed all of Northern Aenulend as his lands, he and his four house lords went on a campaign to bring the north under his rule. First many city states fell quickly, those of Haisi highlands smaller city was taken fairly quickly. The Frost Elves held could not hold up to the well disciplined Wyvern Knights and the phalanx of the of the Iborian Pikemen. When the capital Port Veywil fell. The former Ice King Rennyn Haisi surrender became a house lord and join Makaros on his campaign Kingdom of Fenevik. The Kingdom of Fenevik where hardy people living in some of hashes terrain of the known world. However the people where scattered in small city, well advance in navel combat they did not have the numbers or weapons to stop Iboria Empire mighty army. Ivan Fenevik Stood at vangard of his army out number 10 to 1, He challenged Makaros to 1 on 1 combat. The winner takes all.   Makarios met with him with two of his lords. Ivan and his two brothers joined him and in the center of the battle field the two kings engaged in single combat. It was brutal fight Makaros would come out the victor but he lost his sword arm and left side of his face was horrifically scared. Ivan people was honorable and accepted the lost and joined the Iboria. Makarois made both of Ivan brothers house Lords and built a statue honor the fallen King. The Fenevik Dragoons where created bearing the arms of King Ivan. Markarois would rule for another 20 years before died in sleep.  

Rulership of the Iborian Empire.

  Typically Iborian Empire has been Rule by a Primary or Blessed ruler of the council of house lords. Typically this is a King but in a few Queens have taken the mantel of Blessed when there been no male of Dynasty to claim the title. However turmoil has resulted in House Lords rebelling and taking the throne by force. This has not happen since the House Lord Eskil Kalistar took the throne a 800 years ago. Currently the Empire is ruled by the Queen Shonea the wife of the Late King Vinter The Winter Wolf of Kalistar.

Demography and Population

The Iborian Empire is a over 1 million square miles with 30 major cities and ports.  Broken up into 11 fifes of ranking degrees.   Most of the population is with the major ubran areas.  There is still a large wild and unforgotten section of the country with many area still untouched by modern society.  However the Empire does boost a known population of 1.5 million souls.


Climate: ranges from Steppes in the south, to Humid and continental in central Iboria to subarctic in the God Cleaved Mountain Ranges. Winter vary from cool along the south to Frigid in the north; Summer vary from warn in the steppes to cold in the north with frequent thunderstorms throughout the spring and late autumn   Terrain is broad plains with low hills south of the Flint Rock River to vast Coniferous and deciduous woodland and thick heavy moors off of Sapphire lake. To Coniferous forest and tundra in the northern highlands and mountains.


Iboria Military is a massive every capable Iborian is expected to enlist on their 17th birthday. However there is a conscription raffle for those who did not sign up with requirement they server 4 years. This make up the main Realm Guard Army and is lead by each of the realms Lords. Many who continue to stay in the army will join elite unites like the Realm Knights , the famous Realm Storm Pikemen, or the Royal Guards. Each City also has it own military acting as that police the city as the Gray Guards. The Rural lands have have marshals that can be called to add smaller towns with out their own gray guard to protect them.   Iborian military also boost three different wizard academies and one military priesthood that help make up a sizable amount of war wizards and priest.

Ice And Courage

Geopolitical, Kingdom
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Imperial Coin
Major Exports
Major deposits of Siver, Iron ore, coal. Fur, timber, honey,Rune crysital, K-powder  dried meats and amiable land
Major Imports
Wheat,Fruits, Fish, textiles, suger, and beer.
Parent Organization
Subsidiary Organizations
Controlled Territories
Notable Members
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