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Kalistar (Kal E Star)

Guilds and Factions

Raven Dock workers Guild Counsel of the Lords College of College of Arcane Arts Grand Imperial School of War.  Grand Imperial Archive of Magicka and Science


The City of Kalistar has changed it name many times but it often take to reflect the Dynasty the rules the empire. The city took the name Kalistar in 1568 SAM after Eskil Kalistar over threw executed  Ingvar "The Wicken"


Not many come to Kalistar to see the sights.  As it cold even in the summer months.  Tho the view of towering peaks, and iceberg filled bay is a rare treat for the adventure.   The steam train Empires Might is a might train the bring goods and passages like to the north threw the icy north does drawn in a few passages to ride the newest invention of mechanika.


The City architecture is typical simple gothic style made from black or dark gray volcanic stone.  This is often trimed in brass or copper.  The copper as it ages give a lovely green tint to the dark backdrop of the structures.   Newer structure often use white or colorful paint to add a little color to bleak black and white of the surrounding buildings.


Kalistar sit in a valley opening between two large peaks.  To the north is a bay the is one of the life blood of the city.  However only the most skilled and brave sailor will  run these waters as they are filled with icebergs and in the colder part of the year is frozen over.    So the south opens up for a bit of grass lands which is use to grow crop in the summer months.  As it nested between to mounts it stratigic point make almost impossible attack and very thik volcanic stone make it the perfect defensible possession.  During the winter impossible siege.

Natural Resources

Salt, sliver, copper and coal mines litter the mountains.  Timber and whale oil is another large industry that is in great demand.


  • Kalistar
    Kalistar has gone by many names often renamed after new Dynasty has taken control of empire, but has been the capital of Iborian since the rise of the Iborian Empire.   Population of 49374 and host large part of the Iborian Navy and Military.
Included Locations
Owning Organization


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