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The Copper Dragon Tavern

The small back stone building with shiny copper roofing. A sign with a Copper Dragon with a big belly leaning on a keg drinking a flagon full of something. The door is a bright Copper with a sign the say open on the outside.     The inside is warm and inviting. Nice solid wood chairs and tables. Large hearth with a nice fire going next to a table for playing games on. Antlers of trophpy deer and elk line the walls. Small corner stage with purple curtains drape the foreground. It Elegant yet rustic at the same time. The tavern smell of warm bread, and hearty food. The bar has half dozen type of ale , meads and spirits of all kind.   The Staff is a mix of feisty koblots and two lovely Elven bar maids, as well as the minitor cool and the human owner. There also a old battle scared sliver dragonborn who lives there and has taken up the job as the tavern bouncer.      

Typical Meal at The Copper Dragon.

Drinks often cost no more than a single gold. Food cost anywhere between 5sp-1gp  
  • Stewed Pepper Rabbit and cream Sause over Rice
  • Wrapped Lamb with chilies and Cilantro and roasted tomatoes with cheese
  • Fried Mushroom with garlic pigeon with a thick slice of fresh black bread.


There is not much tourism in Kalistar.  However any adventure with in the guild know their weight in salt can fine work at the Copper Dragon.  However the The Copper Dragon is an odd building as it is oddly bigger on the inside then it is on the outside.  Which often take people by surprise, some believe the owner is a sorcerer who had created and extra dimensional space with in the building.  Regardless of the rumor it bring in guest and to the owner that means coin.
Pub / Tavern / Restaurant
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