Arnold Warren

Arnold Warren is the Chief Officer of Vegas Security for New Vegas. Usually residing in his office in Monorail Station, Chief Warren is a blunt and stoic man, rarely making public appearance, and what news conferences he does appear at are brief and without questions. Warren has been Chief since Security's proper founding in 2282, a long career that he is looking to ending in the near future now that he is nearing 60 years old.   Warren's harsh penalties to those officers caught abusing their power or engaging in corrupt actions have earned him a solid reputation among the people of Vegas, and a mixed one from his officers. On one hand he helps keep them clean and always backs his officers if they have done nothing wrong, but he does not tolerate mistakes or corruption, in any form, and hunts it within the organization regularly.
Current Location
Year of Birth
2241 AD 59 Years old
Brown, Wrinkled
Balding White
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned, aging
5' 8"
140 lbs.
Aligned Organization