Free Economic Zone of the Mojave

The Free Economic Zone of the Mojave, more commonly known as the Mojave, or the FEZ, is an autonomous zone inside the American Southwest that is centered around the massive city of vice, New Vegas. The FEZ is an independent nation, made up of cities, towns, and smaller settlements each with complete autonomy, except for military instillations, railways, and casino taxes.   The FEZ was founded in 2282, in the aftermath of the New California Republic's failed Mojave Campaign against Caesar's Legion. When the Courier won the Hoover Dam and killed Caesar with his Securitron Army. The NCR Senate forced the President and Military to remove itself, as the campaign had cost tens of thousands of lives, millions of caps, and had ended in complete failure. After weeks of negotiating with the Courier and some representatives from the settlements of the Mojave, the NCR could maintain its embassy in Vegas, but had to remove its military from the Mojave entirely, and had to pay for all power and water from the dam going forward, additionally, the NCR could not keep its citizens or companies from doing business in the Mojave.   Following the treaty with the NCR, those same representatives came together to decide the fate of the Mojave Wasteland now that it was free. The result was the six major cities, Vegas, Nellis, Primm, Jacobstown, Boulder City, and Novac, formed the FEZ, with each city including the lands and smaller towns and settlements around them. The FEZ spent most of its early days securing its borders against the Legion, but not without shirking the NCR as well. As the Republic was disbanding its ranger army, the Courier made an offer to the disenfranchised rangers, more money, no supply issues, no government oversight, and defend your local stations. Practically overnight the NCR lost almost all of its most experienced veterans, who mixed in with local hunters and vigilantes, into forming the Mojave Rangers. The rangers became the frontier force, and act as a sort of special forces in areas that the Army cannot feasibly reach.   Following this the FEZ saw a rapid renaissance of industry and infrastructure. By 2285 Vegas had swallowed up Freeside and Westside, and the city slowly grew in height, and lights. Primm began to grow as well following its harrowing run in with convicts in 2281, the city boomed thanks to its casinos, with its population skyrocketing. As resources grew in demand to fuel this reconstruction, places like Sloan and Boulder City began pumping out stone in large quantities, but transportation quickly became an issue. This problem was solved in 2288 by Destek, which invented the solar-steam engine for a new generation of trains. By 2290, a railway ran from Mojave outpost to Nellis, carrying goods and resources. People quickly began hitchhiking on these train cars, though not illegal, its advised by Vegas Authority to not still be on the trains when McCarren or Nellis Security goes through them.   With resources abound, settlers quickly began pouring into the region, predominately from NCR or north from Utah or Wyoming. Settlements like Nelson and Nipton were refounded, and new ones like Indiana and Gold began to be founded. At the same time industry began to rise inside the Mojave. With refineries and steel mills being activated to process ore from the various mines, new casinos and mobs formed, and merchant companies flocked to the region. Among these companies was Gun Runners and Crimson Caravan Company, massive monopolies from the NCR, who left due to the Republic's economic downturn. Gun Runners excelled inside the FEZ, supplying the new military and rangers with standard equipment, and the booming population with firearms. The Crimson Caravan, while better off than in California, lost its monopoly in 2293, when the caravan market was opened up to sponsorship from the mob families of Vegas. The CCC could no longer push out competition, without threatening the investments of the ruling families.   By the time of 2300, the FEZ was a beacon of industry and autonomy, with its Securitron army being built inside Fortress Arizona, its borders are secure, and companies are popping up fast, and populations are booming.


The Leader of the Mojave is the Courier. He is not elected, and maintains control through the use of the Securitron Army, and the Executives  Surrounding the Courier is a group of advisors, who act like a president's cabinet. Along with the advisor simply known as "the Man", there is the Treasurer who controls the actual treasury of Vegas, said to be one of the largest collection of gold, caps and other treasures in existence. The treasurer also controls the bankers of the Lucky 38 Casino, and reserves the right to launch an investigation into the finances of any of the families or businesses within the FEZ. The Architect is a head of infrastructure for the Mojave. The construction of new buildings, skyscrapers, railways, mines and their maintenance are all his responsibility. Next is the General who is the head of the Army, the Air Marshall who is head of the Air Army, and the Chief of the Mojave Rangers.   Running Vegas is the various mob families who own casinos and businesses inside the strip. For the people living there the only law is the Securitron police, who only prosecute murders, assaults, and thefts, and answer only to the Courier. The expectation, not only in Vegas, but throughout the Mojave, is that each person can do as they please, so long as they don't violate the previously mentioned three laws, they need to have the ability to defend them and what's theirs. As a result, there is no real "federal" government, and each settlement has its own mayor, city council, or other form of leadership that is responsible for the people and surrounding areas. The only real form of larger government is the military, and the nation's only form of tax, which is placed on casinos. This tax goes straight into the treasury, which is used to fund infrastructure and the military. If there is ever a need for the settlements to come together in a different way, they can be called upon to send up to three representatives to Vegas to participate in whatever debate is happening with the Courier, like during the nation's founding. As of 2300, that is still the only time it has been used.   Various corporations may also own land inside the Mojave, but cannot control local governments, any attempt to is halted by the Courier and the forces in his employ. This, combined with the fact that there is no federal government to lobby, means corporations have no real power over the people, a stark contrast to the NCR and its corruption. This does not mean they are trustworthy however, as corporations will always value one thing: Profit.


The culture of the Mojave is very anarchic. Only the most heinous crimes, like murder, assault (of any kind), and large scale theft, are prosecuted; all other disputes are expected to be solved by the parties involved, either peacefully, or painfully. The atmosphere changes drastically, depending on where one goes as well. Large cities resemble 50s metropolises, while smaller settlements and towns resemble the wild west of the late 1800s. With residents acting the similarly, residents of smaller towns may be wary of outsiders, the local sheriff might even stop by for a chat to see what brings them to town, while a visitor in a city might go unnoticed, or be harassed by the local ruffians if they can single out a tourist.

Public Agenda

There is no real public agenda within the Mojave, other than simply maintaining its peace and sovereignty.


The FEZ is an economic powerhouse in the post-war world. Worth hundreds of millions, if not, billions of caps, in corporate, mercantile, and casino revenue. It has nearly unlimited power from Hoover Dam and Helios One. Constant fresh water from Lake Mead and the Colorado River ensures that running water is never an issue for all but the newest of settlements. In terms of military power, the FEZ has an army of several thousand Securitron robots, all of which is a true mobile weapons platform. Mixed in with these battalions are squads of Power Armored troops, which act as special forces, or advance troops, going where the robots cannot reach. The FEZ also has the Mojave Rangers, rangers are frontier troops, scouts, and lawmen for the sparsely populated areas. On the frontline with the Legion, they are fearsome special forces, wiping out entire groups of Legionaries at a time in ambushes. The Mojave Air Force is armed with around 50 Vertiberds, and climbing, with a foundry and schematics to make more, and a B-29 Bomber. Finally, in terms of population, the Mojave is home to roughly 1.5 million people.

Demography and Population

The Mojave is home to around 1.5 million people, both human, ghoul, and Super Mutant alike, though humans make up about 95% of the population. Around 1,200,000 or roughly 80% of its population is located in its 6 largest cities.


The Fez has an army of roughly 5,000 Securitron Troops, each one carrying the firepower of a battalion of soldiers. Mingled in with these robots are squads of Power Armored and Infantry soldiers. There are, additionally, hundreds of Mojave Rangers spread out across the desert in groups of about 30. Finally The Air Army has over fifty Vertiberds, and a B-29 Bomber.

Technological Level

The FEZ has a far better technologic and scientific level than any of its neighbors, with every settlement but Gold, having running water, and even Gold has power. Radio shows and entertainment play regularly on air, and the neon filled city of vegas never goes dark. Scientifically, the FEZ is growing rapidly, with Destek at the forefront of this scientific renaissance.

Foreign Relations

The FEZ is currently in an economic agreement with the NCR, and in a Cold War-esque standoff with Caesar's Legion along the Colorado River.

Agriculture & Industry

The Mojave is home to several industries, mining, refining, power, scientific research, construction, and merchant guilds are all over the place due to a lack of taxation. Additionally, inside Primm and New Vegas there are the casinos, which rake in an average of 3-4 million caps daily, though 20% is taxed and sent to the Vegas Treasury. As for agriculture, the ease of irrigation from Lake Mead and the Colorado River allows for many farms and ranches to flourish inside the desert, allowing the 1.5 million population to be fed easily, with extra surplus that is usually sold to the NCR.


The Infrastructure of the nation varies, most live in concrete and metal cities, but smaller settlements can have mixture of scrap metal, wood, and stucco. Roads, while passable, are still in a state of post-war disrepair, but are still used by the many tourists, travelers, and businesses in the area. The railroad is far more of a focus for the treasury and Architect, with plans to link each major settlement by 2310.

Freedom Over All

Founding Date
Geopolitical, Country
Alternative Names
the FEZ, the Mojave
Head of Government
Government System
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Economic System
Market economy
Major Exports
The FEZ exports Power, Water, and Food to the NCR in massive amounts.


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