Vegas Security

Vegas Security is the Law Enforcement Agency of the Free Economic Zone of the Mojave's capital New Vegas. Officially founded in 2282, it existed in practice prior to this as Robert House's army of police Securitrons. When the Courier took over, he wanted to separate the army from the force that patrolled civilian areas, and spread humans throughout the robotic army and police in order to keep them in check, and reinforce an element of humanity in both, thus Vegas Security was founded proper, with Arnold Warren as its first Chief of Police.   Since its founding, VS has earned a reputation as cold and incorruptable, due in no small part to Chief Warren's policies. Under his internal policies, any officer found abusing their power, or engaging in any corrupt actions or methods, would be executed, their property seized, and their families exiled. With such harsh punishment, it is no small suprise that there have been only two cases of corrution within the force since its founding. Its cold shoulder and harsh tactics are result of not only Warren's own demeanor, but also due to the sheer danger that Vegas criminals pose. With every weapon and drug legal, they have their work cut out for them, and respond to threats with overpowering force. To that end, security officers are guaranteed to kill a perpetrator within their first week of duty. Between violent gangs, strung out and armed junkies, and powerful mobs, Vegas responds to all in kind and then some.   VS has a very high success rate, with the Vegas Strip, Industrial Sector and Northside completely secure, and Freeside relatively safe, they are 4 for 5 on Vegas Districts. The only problem child is Westside, in which VS is engaged in active urban warfare with the 19's, 40th Street Demons, and the 39th Street Cats, and completely avoids Klamath like it has the plague, which it may actually have for all they know. Despite this open warfare, most of the gangs do their best to avoid VS, as they are severely outmtached by them, and the only reason VS doesn't wipe them out, is to avoid the mass casualties that would come from it.   Vegas Security Officers wear blue jumpsuits, woven with ballistic fibers, and Saturnite plates and Nylon straps creating a unique combat armor, complete with a sealed gas mask for when deploying and engaging in tear gas. As for armaments, they carry a M1911 sidearm, a proton axe, Saturnite riot shield, and an M23 as their primary rifle.

Don't Press Your Luck

Founding Date
Government, Law Enforcement
Alternative Names
VSec, Security, Cops, Pigs, Badges, VS
Parent Organization
Notable Members
Related Species


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