Goddess Knights

The Fantqasme's Greatest Demon Hunters

"I'm unsure if I'm ready to be a leader.. in fact I'm certain I'm not. But, I know I can't just stand by in the sidelines and and watch Vahit continue to hurt people. I'll do what it takes to finish what she started, even if it means taking her place."
Jérémie Aumerle


The Goddess Knights are a group of famous demon hunters in the Empire of Fanentous. It was created by Empress Lyndis N'illum was lead by the The Goddess Blade wielder at the time, Sarah Winter. However she has since retired the title and given it to Jérémie Aumerle.   Memebers are recruited by the appointed leader at the time, and while there are no written requirements to joining, one must impress the leader enough to even have a chance at being accepted. Most of the time, the Knights search for people who are exceptionally skilled and will remaind loyal. The Knights are very inclusive and do not judge based on race, class, or personal history. As long as you make the pledge to protect people and stay dedicated to the group, you will be accepted as one of the group.     Goddess Knights will be knighted by the Empress herself during a brief ceremony at the Palace. Afterwards, a Knight will receive a medallion with the Goddess Knights insignia on it. This medallion acts as an important status symbol, physical proof of one's associated with the Empress. It can be used to bypass many normal restrictions, and guards are not allowed to refuse entry to a Knight, regardless of their racial or class status, as doing so could cost them their jobs.

Public Agenda

The Goddess Knights were formed during the events of the The Shade War as a means of combating the demonic threat plaguing the Empire. Their primary goal is to keep the Empire safe from demons and monsters, and will often be sent on missions to take care of demon related problems around the Empire. Members of the Knights are selected based on their skill in dealing with demons.   The Knights are loyal to the Empire and will do whatever it takes to defend it, but occasionally it means dealing with threats from other countries that pose a risk to the Empire as well.


The Goddess Knights have a base in Fanentous Capital, refered to as theGoddess Knights Headquarters. It's a small building in the Military district of the Capital, and is used to train, store weapons, and a place for the Knights to sleep and eat.   The Knights had access to personal weapon and armor smith names Aranda Boralain, received Birigon mounts at a discount from Featherglow Ranch, and Johan's apprentice, Madia Madora acted as a secondary healer when in town. Lastly, the Knights request back up in the form of the royal guard, who could help them in battle or for more dangerous missions.   Unfortunately, in the 20 years since the Knights had disbanded, many of these assets fell away to time, making things a little more difficult for the reformed group. The base was destroyed in battle and fell into ruin, and the numbers have dramatically dwindled, now consisting of just four people.  


The Goddess Knights can be split into two eras. The original era is often refereed to as the Original Knights, or more casually the OG Knights.

OG Goddess Knights

  • Sarah Winter - A human from New Earth. The leader of the Goddes Knights and the weilder of the Goddess Blade.
  • Theo Winter - The second in command. A former member of the Royal Guard, and powerful warrior. Later married Sarah.  
  • Naina Nuvari - A skilled skilled elven elemental mage from the Mages College and one of the first three members of the group.  
  • Johan Forlorn - A Priest from the Temple of Fanenous and a talented healer
  • Kyski Nuvari - A narcoleptic Wood Elf with an outstanding gift for archery.
  • Jérémie Aumerle - A Shade who rejected his duties and rebelled against Vahit to fight for the Empire.
  • Faellen and Nelleaf Ramifus - Conjoined esper twins with earily accurate clairvoyance.
  • Kalheim Aedian - A strange but good intentioned necromancer.
  • Sherry Eckstein - Kalheim's zombie thrall who possesses powerful telekinetic powers.
  • Iori Ru'Hadi - Once the leader of the Bandits of the Silent Sands and a reformed criminal, joined the Knights after they helped defend her home.
  However after the Goddess Knights were split, 20 years later, their children would create the new, reformed Goddess Knights.

New Goddess Knights

  • Jérémie Aumerle - One of the only remaining Knights left after the war. Returned to reform the Knights due to his dedication to defeating Vahit. Currently the leader of the New Goddess Knights.
  • Marc Lee - The son of Kyski and Naina who was raised on earth.
  • Ibby Winter - Sarah Winter's daughter and the current wielder of the Goddess Blade.
  • Selene Russel - Johan's illegitimate daughter with healing powers.


The Creation of the Knights

In 1988, during a festival in the Capital city, the festivities were suddenlty brought to a hault when an army of Shades broke through the gate and invaded the city. The guards were overwhelmed, as they had never seen the shades before or how to fight them. It seemed as it was going to be a massacre, when suddently the tide of the battle changed when a young woman carrying the legendary Goddess Blade appeared to fight them off. Meanwhile a young mage was rallying up her peers to target the shade's weakness she had discovered, and a young Royal guard was risking his life to save the Empress's daughter.   Thanks to their efforts, the Capital was able to drive out the Shades before they could do too much damage. Lyndis N'illum would soon take the thrown after her mother was assassinated in the fighting, and as a thanks for their efforts, she gathered the three heroes in her court and proposed for them to work together, using their strengths to defend the Empire from the sudden demonic threat. And that was when the Goddess Knights were formed.  

The Shade War

Over time the Knights would take missions fighting off demons and make a name for themselves. They quickly became heroes in the eyes of the public, but their numbers were still small, so they sought to expand their team by recruiting new members. Over the course of the next few years, The Goddess Knights would go hunting for the perfect candidates to join their ranks and would acquire members from walks of life and backgrounds.   The team worked well with each other and together were a near unstoppable force, and were on their way to pushing the demons out of the Empire for good. However, disaster would soon strike.

The Fall

  A new player would join the battlefield on the Shade's side. A powerful demon named Malice. The Esper twins, Faellen and Nelleaf forsaw this and in Nelleaf's recklessness, attempted to investigate the a nearby Shade territory, where they would get surrounded, and Nelleaf would be mortally injured. When they returned to the base, Johan was missing, and before they could contact him again, Nelleaf succumbed to her wounds, and Faellen would die shortly after, only getting a few minutes to tell the Knights of their vision.   It started with an attack on the headquaters. The shades had brought friends, powerful demons from the depths of the underworld who followed Malice's command. He was able to wreck the base and kill on the their members, Kalheim, and take Sherry from him and use her against the Knights. The Knights had to retreat and abandon their base.   The next big blow would be in Onford, a major city in Fanentous they were defending. They were expecting a battle, but with out the twin's clairvoyance, they had no way of predicting how strong Vahit's forces would be. When they arrived on the battlefield, there were far more demons than they expected. The Knights were outnumbered and outmatched, and one by one they would be killed off in that fight, including Sarah's husband at the time, Theo.   Sarah had a secret that she was hiding from the others. She was pregnant with Theo's child, and seeing him be ripped apart on the battlefield broke her. She called for a retreat and fled with whatever knights were left, knowing that the shades would take all of them if they continued fighting. Sarah could no longer take the grief of losing her closest friends, and retired from the knights, disbanding the group, much to the dismay of Jeremie who tried to stop her.  

The Reformation

  20 years had passed since the Knights were defeated, but few had survived the war just long enough to have children. Now adults, these descendants wish to finish what their parents started decades ago, with Jeremie leading them.

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Cover image: by IbbyWondrous
  • 1983 AD

    Sarah Acquires the Goddess Blade
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Sarah finds a strange amethyst sword at a pawnshop which glows when she touches it. Sarah panics when the sword somehow follows her home, fearing she just stole from the pawnshop, but quickly realizes the sword is sentient and has chosen her as its master.

    Additional timelines
  • 1988 AD

    1 Dawnis (March) 23:00

    Shade Attack on the Capitol
    Military action

    During the Dawn of the New Year festival, the capital is suddenly attacked by Vahit's forces.

    Additional timelines
  • 1988 AD

    2 Dawnis (March) 01:00

    Empress Maradis N'illum is Assassinated
    Life, Death

    During the attack on the capital, the Empress is assassinated by Vahit.

    Additional timelines
  • 1988 AD

    2 Dawnis (March) 03:00

    The Goddess Blade and the Retreat
    Military action

    A goddess blade user is discovered to be taking on the shades. Meanwhile the Shade's weaknesses are discovered as mages from the college pour into the streets to fight.   Vahit calls for his troops to retreat, driving them out of the city.

    Additional timelines
  • 1988 AD

    16 Dawnis (March)

    Lyndis N'illum becomes Empress
    Political event

    After the death of her mother, Empress Lyndis N'illum has her coronation and takes he place on the throne at only 18 years old.

    Additional timelines
  • 1988 AD

    Aparis (April)

    The Goddess Knights

    Lyndis gathers up a few heroes she felt had a massive impact on taking back the city during the attack and forms The Goddess Knights, with the sole purpose of dealing with demonic threats to the Empire.

    More reading
    Goddess Knights
    Additional timelines
  • 1988 AD

    Magnis (May)

    Johan Forlorn joins the Goddess Knights
    Life, Organisation Association

    After seeing the aftermath and pain Vahit's attack caused on the people of the capitol, Johan volunteered to join the Godess Knights as their healer and light mage.

    Additional timelines
  • 1989 AD

    Juuparis (June)

    Kyski Nuvari is Recruited
    Life, Organisation Association

    The knights search for new members to join their ranks. They check in with a famous warrior school located in Naina's hometown of Faenamel. There they meet a young, sleepy wood elf named Kyski. Despite his habit of falling asleep, Kyski showed tremendous skill in archery and impressed Sarah enough to recruit him.

    Additional timelines
  • 1990 AD

    Dormis (December)

    Jérémie joins the Goddess Knights
    Life, Organisation Association

    Sarah meets the mysterious demon, Jérémie and decides to recruit him for the Knights.

    Additional timelines
  • 1991 AD

    Duskis (February)

    Faellen and Nelleaf join the Goddess Knights
    Life, Organisation Association

    In the dead of night the mage camp that the twins were staying at was seized by the Goddess Knights over the demon magic practicing that was going on. The girls decided on their own terms to aid the Goddess Knights using their powers, and afterwards requested to join their movement.

    Additional timelines
  • 1991 AD

    2 Dawnis (March)

    Identity Revealed
    Life, Publicity

    Jérémie's identity as a Shade is discovered by one the other members, which causes them to fight and in the process cracking Jérémie's heart.

    Additional timelines
  • 1991 AD

    10 Dawnis (March)

    Jérémie is Kicked from the Knights.
    Life, Failure / Mishap

    During a mission, the crack in Jérémie's heart causes his powers to go haywire, and he ends up attacking his team. He is later removed from the Knights afterwards.

    Additional timelines
  • 1991 AD

    Agusis (August)

    Jérémie Returns to the Goddess Knights
    Life, Organisation Association

    Determined to make amends for the actions of his past, Jérémie attempts to prove his determination and loyalty the the Empire, and earn the trust of the Knights again. He emphasizes how important defeating Vahit is to him, and Sarah welcomes him back into the Knights.

    Additional timelines
  • 1992 AD

    Magnis (May)

    Iori Ru'hadi joins the Goddess Knights
    Life, Organisation Association

    During a mission to A'ramel Alshiu, the Knights are held up by a gang of theives. However they are rescued by a rival band of thieves, lead by the mysterious Iori. Iori admits that she respects the Knight's cause, and offers herself and her gang as added protection.

    More reading
    Iori Ru'Hadi
    Additional timelines
  • 1993 AD

    Omnicis (October)

    Kalheim Aedian and Sherry Join Goddess Knights
    Life, Organisation Association

    Kalheim and his thrall Sherry are invited join the Knights after they help them take the Variscite Peak mages tower back from demons. This decision is pretty controversial since he was a necromancer.

    Additional timelines
  • 1997 AD

    Duskis (February)

    A New Nuvari

    Naina and Kyski announce that they are having a child, and request leave from the Goddess Knights until their child it born. This leaves the main team with out one of their mages and their best archer

    Additional timelines
  • 1997 AD

    14 Duskis (February)

    Johan's Trip to New Earth

    Johan takes a break from fighting and meets a young woman in New Earth

    Additional timelines
  • 1997 AD

    17 Duskis (February)

    Faellen and Nelleafs Deaths
    Life, Death

    A shade stakeout gone wrong costs the lives of the twin espers, Faellen and Nalleaf.

    Additional timelines
  • 1997 AD

    Dawnis (March)

    The Blue Demon
    Life, Organisation Association

    With Vahit fighting a losing battle, the demon prince Malice appears and offers his services. Uncertain about Malice's trustworthiness, Vahit asks Malice to demonstrate his power in the next battle.

    Additional timelines
  • 1997 AD

    Japaris (july)

    Sarah's Pregnancy

    Sarah discovers that she is pregnant with her and Theo's child. Concerns arise over how this will effect the war if she is unable to fight for several months. Sarah insists on continuing to fight until it becomes physically impossible.

    Additional timelines
  • 1997 AD

    1 Agusis (August)

    Attack on the Knight's Base
    Military action

    The Goddess Knights base is attacked by a demon named Malice.   Deaths: Kalheim Aedian. Missing: Shery Eckstein

    Additional timelines
  • 1997 AD

    13 Agusis (August)

    Markail is Born
    Life, Birth

    The Nuvari family give birth to their only son and name him Markail.

    More reading
    Marc Lee
    Additional timelines
  • 1997 AD

    29 Sequestris (September)

    Johan Dissapears
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    The guilt of being unable to save the twins and the consequences of it plagued Johan's mind. Unable to handle the guilt, Johan faked his own death and disappeared.

    Additional timelines
  • 1997 AD

    3 Fallesis (November)

    The End of The Goddess Knights
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Goddess Knights and the Shades battle it out over the territory of Onford. The army is far stronger than expected and they decimate the Knight's forces. The Goddess Knights lose the battle and later are disbanded.   Deaths: Iori Ru'Had, Theo Winter Missing: Johan Forlorn

    Additional timelines
  • 1997 AD

    6 Fallesis (November)

    Selene is Born
    Life, Birth

    Selene is born to a single, teenage mother.

    More reading
    Selene Russel
    Additional timelines
  • 1998 AD

    10 Aparis (April)

    Ellie Winter is Born
    Life, Birth

    Sarah gives birth to her daughter Elizabeth.

    More reading
    Ellie Winter
    Additional timelines
  • 1999 AD

    Chillesis (January)

    Empty House
    Life, Relationship change

    Sarah completely moves out of the portal house, leaving it abandoned and rotting. Sarah and Jérémie also part ways, leaving him with her scarf, a symbol of her leadership.

    Additional timelines
  • 1999 AD

    Magnis (May)

    The Faenamel Attack
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    The village of Faenamel is attacked and the last two Goddess Knights are defeated, but not before Jérémie is able to rescue their son, Markail

    Additional timelines
  • 2016 AD

    21 Agusis (August)

    Fantasme Imagination

    The events of Fantasme Imagination start on this day.  

    Warning! Anything past this point my contain spoilers for the story.

    Additional timelines
  • 2016 AD

    21 Agusis (August) 21:00

    Marc Discovers his past.
    Life, Identity

    Marc discovers a box in his fathers study that contains information about his past and true identity.

    Additional timelines
  • 2016 AD

    22 Agusis (August)

    Ellie Activates the Goddess Blade
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Ellie find the Goddess Blade in her mother's belongings and unknowingly activates it.

    Additional timelines
  • 2016 AD

    23 Agusis (August)

    Jeremie Returns
    Life, Relocation

    Jeremie, feeling the Goddess Blade active again, returns to New Bridge believing Sarah Winter has returned to fighting, but he quickly gets sidetracked.

    Additional timelines


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