Arrival on Farsae

Metaphysical / Paranormal event

20/12 1800:00
21/12 300:00

A tranquil night at a Farsae farmstead was disrupted when a golden dragon burst through a sky portal, shaking the forest with its roar before disappearing into the night. Moments later, our heroes emerged from the same rift, crashing through a barn roof. Amidst the hay and debris, Jar'daani found a golden dragon scale, signaling the chaotic entrance of both the dragon and the adventurers.   As they regrouped, a misunderstanding led to a confrontation with local kin-races, including Hegir the wolf-kin and Tsuki the cat-kin, who mistook them for allies of a necromancer. The situation nearly escalated until two fox humanoids, Kinto and Kitsa, intervened, clarifying the misunderstanding and advising the group to seek help from the Arcanum Consortium in Arnora. Po, recalling his identity as Walter Forgeheart from the continent of Astra, and the appearance of the dragon, added layers of mystery and urgency to their quest.   Arriving in Arnora by night, the group settled at The Lucky Bear Inn, recommended by Kinto. Despite the late hour, they were accommodated, with plans to assess their foreign currency's value with the local blacksmith the next day. As they rested, the weight of their sudden displacement and the magical anomalies they encountered lingered in their minds, promising more challenges and discoveries in this unfamiliar world.

On the 20th of Win, 2598 AK, a serene night at a small farmstead in Farsae was abruptly disrupted by a spectacle in the sky. A portal tore through the heavens, unleashing a golden dragon whose scales glinted like molten gold. As it roared triumphantly, shaking the slumbering forest, it soared into the night and vanished into the distance. Moments later, our heroes, too, were expelled from the rift, crashing unceremoniously through the barn roof amidst a flurry of hay and debris.   Stirring amidst the wreckage, Jar'Daani discovered a golden dragon scale, a remnant of the creature that had preceded their tumultuous arrival. Their presence did not go unnoticed; the sounds of galloping horses and voices soon surrounded the barn. As they attempted to emerge, a boulder shattered the barn door, striking Zhizah with debris, leading to a heated confrontation. The assailants, a group comprising various kin-races including Hegir the wolf-kin, Min the rabbit-kin, Rhor the deer-kin druid, an owl-kin, a cat-kin named Tsuki, and a deer-kin ranger with his hawk companion Skye, mistakenly believed our heroes to be associated with a necromancer they were pursuing as part of a contract.   The conflict continued to escalate as Skye was injured, prompting an intense reaction from her deer-kin owner and their group leader, Hegir. However, before further damage could ensue, two fox humanoids, Kinto and Kitsa, intervened, calming the fray and dismissing the local group to reevaluate the mis-ranked contract they were following.   In the ensuing discussions, Po disclosed his origins from Astra, a continent thought lost, and the appearance of the dragon, stirring interest and concern. Kinto suggested they seek the Arcanum Consortium for assistance and insights about returning to their world, as well as wrote a letter to their archmage to inform them of this event. He also recommended The Lucky Bear inn for lodging, located up north in the town of Arnora.   As the night progressed, Sissy indulged in the local apples while Zhizah and Po, now remembering his full name as Walter Forgeheart, noticed a magical decay affecting part of the abandoned farmstead. Opting to advance their journey despite the late hour and warnings from Kinto, they arrived safely in Arnora in the pre-dawn hours. The innkeeper, intrigued by their foreign currency, offered them rooms but advised a visit to To'rru the blacksmith for a proper trade valuation in the morning. Exhausted but safe, the group settled into their rooms, their thoughts lingering on the strange and mystical world they now found themselves in, their rest well-earned after the recent chaotic events.

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