Party Timeline

A detailed timeline of the player party's time together.


Dalereckoning is taken from the Year of Sunrise, 1 DR, when the Standing Stone was raised by the elves of Cormanthyr and the humans of the Dalelands. Since this time, humans were permitted by the Elven Court to settle in the more open regions of the forests. In some texts, primarily those which do not have direct ties to Dalesfolk history, Dalereckoning is called Freeman's Reckoning (FR). The calendar is widely used in Faerûn but has not spread beyond its shores.

  • 3/11/1491 DR - 6/11/1491 DR
    Supplies to Phandalin

    Gundren Rockseeker hires the party to escort a wagon from Neverwinter to Phandalin. He leaves for Phandalin with his escort, Sildar Hallwinter. He tells the party to deliver the supplies to Barthen's Provisions.   The party survives an ambush on the Triboar Trail and discovers a cave hideout north of the ambush site. They decided to finish delivering the supplies to Phandalin to complete the task they were assigned.

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  • 7/11/1491 DR - 8/11/1491 DR
    Clearing of Crawgmaw Cave
    Military: Battle

    The party successfully delivered their supplies to Barthen's Provisions in Phandalin, where they negotiated additional hazard pay from the surprised shopkeeper Elmar, who mistook Po, the sentient bear, for a pet.   Venturing back to the goblin cave they discovered, they overcame the guards, freed captive wolves, and used a chimney slope for a strategic advantage to defeat the goblin leader Klarg and his minions. They found a note linking their quarry, Gundren Rockseeker, to the Cragmaw tribe's chief, King Grol.   After rescuing Sildar Hallwinter from the goblins and clearing the cave of bodies, the party returned to Phandalin, extracting some gold teeth from the corpses as spoils. Their day concluded at the Stonemill Inn, pondering the implications of their findings and the rescue mission ahead.

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    Cragmaw Hideout
  • 8/11/1491 DR
    Encountering the Redbrands
    Military: Battle

    The party, after resting, interrogated Sildar Hallwinter, learning he's an agent of the Lords' Alliance seeking to stabilize Phandalin and find Iarno Albrek. They discovered Gundren Rockseeker's capture was ordered by the Black Spider to secure Wave Echo Cave's location, found in Gundren's maps. In Phandalin, they learned from Stonehill Inn's patrons about the Redbrands' tyranny, including a recent murder and abduction. Confronting the Redbrands outside, they defeated them and learned of the woodworker's family's intended fate as slaves.   Investigating a run-down manor, they found Redbrands' hideout, defeating members and navigating traps to rescue the captiv

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  • 9/11/1491 DR
    Fall of Glasstaff
    Military: Battle

    In the Redbrands' lair, the adventurers disrupted a rowdy gathering and faced off against Redbrands and bugbears, narrowly saving Findabhair from death. Their victory freed Droop, a goblin who revealed Glasstaff's location. After resting, they outmaneuvered and defeated Glasstaff, learning of his connection to the Black Spider and the sought-after Forge of Spells. Po's exploration of Glasstaff's lab led to the discovery of Talon, a magical sword that reacts to orcs and half-orcs. With Glasstaff dealt with and valuable loot in hand, the party, showing mercy to Droop, prepared to return to Phandalin to continue their quest.

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    Tresendar Manor
  • 9/11/1491 DR - 10/11/1491 DR
    Phandalin Liberated
    Military: Battle

    After defeating Glasstaff and emerging from the Tresendar Manor hideout, our heroes were ambushed by remaining Redbrands using a Sending Stone to call for backup. Despite the reinforcements arriving in a drunken state, the party, led by Boarm Drek'thar and "Po," decisively ended the skirmish, even dramatically launching the head of the last Redbrand up a hill. They recovered several minor magical items from the fallen foes.   Returning to Phandalin for clues about the elusive Wave Echo Cave, they found no one in town aware of its location. Their efforts led them to Sister Garaele, a worshipper of Tymora, who enlisted their help to contact a banshee named Agatha about a lost spellbook. In exchange for their aid, she offered discounted healing potions and promised more rewards for any information retrieved from Agatha. With new objectives, the party headed east along the Triboar Trail toward Conyberry. Their journey's calm was shattered on the second night when Jar'Daani spotted and preemptively struck an ambushing party of sharp-toothed Cragmaw goblins in their makeshift cave camp.

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    Triboar Trail
  • 10/11/1491 DR - 16/11/1491 DR
    Agatha's Lair

    Our heroes overcame a dangerous ambush by Cragmaw bugbears and goblins, learning that the Black Spider had placed bounties on their heads. They then ventured to Agatha the banshee's lair, where they were permitted to ask only one question. Prioritizing Sister Garaele's request, they inquired about Bowgentle's lost spellbook. Agatha, though limited by her fading powers, also divulged the location of the elusive Wave Echo Cave on their map. After returning to Phandalin and reporting to Sister Garaele, who rewarded them with potions, the party set off towards what they hoped would be Wave Echo Cave, guided by Agatha’s cryptic directions.

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  • 16/11/1491 DR
    Dave Lecko Enclave
    Cultural event

    Following the banshee's directions, the party mistakenly found themselves at the Dave Lecko Enclave, a traveling circus, instead of the Wave Echo Cave. Enticed by circus activities and foods, they enjoyed various games and attractions. However, the circus descended into chaos during the main event when fireworks agitated the animals. A goblin troupe member exacerbated the situation by using Po's dark relic near the Beastmaster’s staff, corrupting its calming magic and causing a rampage. The session ended with the party amidst a fiery chaos, attempting to control the situation and ensure their safety.

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    Triboar Trail
  • 16/11/1491 DR
    Cirque du Void
    Disaster / Destruction

    The chaos at the circus escalated as more Void-touched beasts attacked, but the party successfully subdued each creature, ensuring minimal injuries among the attendees. Sissy, the two-headed owlbear, was notably heroic, sustaining injuries while defending her beloved trainer, Kibble, from further attacks. Amidst the aftermath, Po recovered a stolen relic from the repentant goblin responsible for the mayhem, Aria discovered a magical water-spraying wand, and the party persuaded Maela to relinquish her seemingly cursed staff. Exhausted from the ordeal, the group decided to rest for the night before planning their next move.

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  • 17/11/1491 DR

    After a night at the circus, the party grappled with the troupe's plan to abandon the ailing owlbear, Sissy. Kibble decided to join the party, fleeing with Sissy as Jar'Daani questioned Po about a mysterious vulture relic. Meanwhile, Findabhair left to gather her clan against the Void threat, promising to return with aid.   En route to Neverwinter, a scream led them to a cave where they encountered Droop, now Droopinak Gritjaw, leading a resistance against the Cragmaw clan and The Black Spider, alongside Sildar. Tensions spiked when a captive bugbear seized a healer, only for Zhizah Rillah, a Miqo'te astral drifter, to fall from a portal and thwart the threat, then joining the party with aligned goals.   Their journey was interrupted by a Cragmaw ambush, quickly dealt with before setting up camp. However, the night's calm was broken as a golden dragon crashed nearby. As they met its gaze, they were suddenly enveloped by magic and transported through a portal to an unknown destination.

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Age of Kin

The Age of Kin is the period of time immediately following the sudden disappearance of the dragons from Farsae, when the kin races were thrust into the reins of leading and protecting a world once under the watch of the dragons.

  • 2598 AK

    20 Win 1800:00
    2598 AK

    21 Win 300:00

    Arrival on Farsae
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    A tranquil night at a Farsae farmstead was disrupted when a golden dragon burst through a sky portal, shaking the forest with its roar before disappearing into the night. Moments later, our heroes emerged from the same rift, crashing through a barn roof. Amidst the hay and debris, Jar'daani found a golden dragon scale, signaling the chaotic entrance of both the dragon and the adventurers.   As they regrouped, a misunderstanding led to a confrontation with local kin-races, including Hegir the wolf-kin and Tsuki the cat-kin, who mistook them for allies of a necromancer. The situation nearly escalated until two fox humanoids, Kinto and Kitsa, intervened, clarifying the misunderstanding and advising the group to seek help from the Arcanum Consortium in Arnora. Po, recalling his identity as Walter Forgeheart from the continent of Astra, and the appearance of the dragon, added layers of mystery and urgency to their quest.   Arriving in Arnora by night, the group settled at The Lucky Bear Inn, recommended by Kinto. Despite the late hour, they were accommodated, with plans to assess their foreign currency's value with the local blacksmith the next day. As they rested, the weight of their sudden displacement and the magical anomalies they encountered lingered in their minds, promising more challenges and discoveries in this unfamiliar world.

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  • 2598 AK

    21 Win 300:00
    2598 AK

    21 Win 1500:00

    Civil action

    Under the silvery glow of Farsae's moons, Kibble grappled with a deep sense of alienation after an eventful day that left him feeling lost in a world both familiar and foreign. As he found comfort nestled in Sissy’s fur within the stable’s confines, his thoughts circled back to the bizarre encounters and the strangeness of his surroundings.   Simultaneously, Naïló immersed himself in the local culture under the veil of night, intrigued by mysterious lights and whispers from a nearby mine. His investigations revealed them as mere illusions, insights he tucked away for later scrutiny.   Come morning, Walter wrestled with his identity, his noble past now feeling like distant shadows amidst the quaint setting of The Lucky Bear. The local dialects and simple honey bee cakes brought him a semblance of comfort, albeit tinged with a sense of longing.   Meanwhile, Kibble’s disorientation deepened upon discovering his severed ties with the land and no longer able to communicate with Sissy, a revelation that unfolded as Tully, a raccoon-kin, was measuring Sissy for a custom saddle. Nearby, Zhizah shared her equally disconcerting dreams, echoing the themes of surreal clarity and eerie surveillance, which seemed to connect with Kibble's experiences.   Zhizah faced her own turmoil, discovering her inability to change her job—a cornerstone of her identity and power. Walter shared that he also did not have access to his Charmsmith abilities while on Abeir-Toril, and rationalizes this could be an effect of interdimensional travel.   Walter’s quest for local knowledge led him to Old Oaky, the local Charmsmith, who not only exchanged their foreign currency but also provided a detailed map of Arnora and hinted at a travelling Lepid mage at Whisperstone Hearth. This encounter led them directly to Myrrhiana Vossari at the inn, who introduced herself as a mage affiliated with the Arcanum Consortium, and offered the party a deal: complete the Pathfinders' contract to clear the mine and retrieve some of the magic gemstones, and in return, she would leverage her position within the Arcanum Consortium to grant them an audience with the guild's local sect.   Before setting out for the mine, Boarm, sensing Kibble's need and perhaps as a gesture of solidarity in their shared uncertainty, handed over Talon, his magical shortsword, as a 'gift' for the troubled goblin.   Armed with purpose, the party ventured into the mine, confronting the illusionary lights and battling Arcane Kryssaliths—magical, hydra-like monstrosities that fed on magic. In the heat of combat, a chilling screech echoed from deeper within, redirecting both their foes and their focus towards an ominous unknown.

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  • 2598 AK

    21 Win 1501:00
    2598 AK

    21 Win 1700:00

    Whisperstone Hollow

    In Whisperstone Hollow, the party fiercely battled through a horde of Arcane Kryssaliths, with Boarm nearly meeting his demise. After the fight, Kibble crafted a meal from the fallen creatures, offering a brief respite. Their exploration led them to discover embedded crystals and a damaged elevator, which Walter skillfully repaired, allowing descent into deeper and more perilous parts of the mine.   At the mine's lowest level, they found the bodies of three adventurers and scavenged advanced weaponry from them. The area, rich with glowing crystals, set the stage for their next encounter. When their battle tactics inadvertently roused a formidable Six-Headed Arcane Kryssalith, the party shifted to defending themselves against a large threat.

  • 2598 AK

    21 Win 1701:00
    2598 AK

    21 Win 1800:00

    Depths of Whisperstone Hollow

    The confrontation with the Six-Headed Arcane Kryssalith intensified as Boarm, Sissy, and Jar'Daani led a valiant charge. After defeating the formidable beast, it split into smaller versions, which the group swiftly eliminated. Concurrently, Walter halted the ascending elevator to secure their position in the cavern's depths.   Following the battle, Kibble harvested valuable materials from the Kryssaliths, while Walter discovered an unusually large Kryssalith egg using his drone bees. Opting for caution, the group decided to preserve the egg, seeing potential in its future use. They then regrouped, tended to their injuries, and prepared for their next move in the now silent cavern.

  • 2598 AK

    21 Win 1801:00
    2598 AK

    21 Win 2000:00

    The Pathfinders' League
    Civil action

    In their final exploration of Whisperstone Hollow, the party discovered scattered gemstones and a caved-in passageway. Exiting the mine, they encountered Dr. Ila Vey from CROFF, who tried unsuccessfully to purchase a significant Kryssalith egg they carried. She instead advised on its care with magical spells. Returning to Myrrhiana Vossari, they handed over the Echolite gems, learning of their illusionary properties, and received directions to Fael'wynn and a recommendation for Spirewatch. Later, a local confrontation led them to the Pathfinders' Lodge where they were officially welcomed and equipped as Veterans. Zhizah acquired a Sunflare Qapi named Kwehvin. The day ended with the group settling into their lodgings, reflecting on their recent undertakings.

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