Fall of Glasstaff

Military: Battle

9/11/1491 DR

In the Redbrands' lair, the adventurers disrupted a rowdy gathering and faced off against Redbrands and bugbears, narrowly saving Findabhair from death. Their victory freed Droop, a goblin who revealed Glasstaff's location. After resting, they outmaneuvered and defeated Glasstaff, learning of his connection to the Black Spider and the sought-after Forge of Spells. Po's exploration of Glasstaff's lab led to the discovery of Talon, a magical sword that reacts to orcs and half-orcs. With Glasstaff dealt with and valuable loot in hand, the party, showing mercy to Droop, prepared to return to Phandalin to continue their quest.

In the shadowy depths of the Redbrands' lair, our adventurers found themselves embroiled in a chaotic skirmish. Their exploration led them to a boisterous gathering of Redbrands lost in drink and dice. Seizing the element of surprise, the party launched a two-front assault, only for the clamor to draw the ire of nearby bugbears. The ensuing melee tested their mettle, with Findabhair teetering on the brink of death, saved only by the staunch defense of her comrades. Victory brought an unexpected ally: Droop, a beleaguered goblin shackled and subjugated by the bugbears. His tales of torment ended with the fall of his captors, and in gratitude, he divulged the hideout's secrets, including the whereabouts of the elusive wizard Glasstaff. Weary yet wary, the party opted for strategy over direct confrontation, securing Glasstaff's quarters to afford themselves a much-needed reprieve.   Refreshed and resolute, they confronted Glasstaff, overpowering him with swift and decisive action (and a powerful spell by Jar'Daani). Under duress, Glasstaff revealed his ties to the enigmatic Black Spider, a drow seeking the Forge of Spells within Wave Echo Cave for its potent magical armaments. Despite his erstwhile allegiance to the Lords' Alliance, Glasstaff's fate was sealed by the party's hand. His possessions, including a staff of power, incriminating correspondence, and arcane scrolls, were promptly confiscated.   Po's curiosity led him to Glasstaff's laboratory, where the remnants of failed experiments hinted at ambitions of potions of invisibility. While fiddling with his stopwatch, a beacon of familiarity in this foreign domain, he somehow triggered a buzzing from it. Suddenly, its dormant arrow sprang to life, directing the party with unerring purpose towards a concealed chest in the crevasse within the hideout. Within lay Talon, a sword bathed in an ethereal blue luminescence when around orcs, and evidently half-orcs as it glowed in Boarm's presence. As if its mission were complete, the arrow on Po's stopwatch stilled once more and the buzzing ceased, its guidance fulfilled in the presence of the magic item.   After settling matters in the Redbrands' hideout and confronting (and disposing of) Glasstaff, the party was ready to head back to Phandalin. They gathered crucial intelligence and made significant strides in their quest. Before departing, they granted Droop a few coins for his freedom—a small kindness in their grand adventure. With renewed determination, the party set forth, leaving the dark corridors of the hideout for the challenges and opportunities that awaited in the town above.

Related Location
Tresendar Manor
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