Supplies to Phandalin


3/11/1491 DR - 6/11/1491 DR

Gundren Rockseeker hires the party to escort a wagon from Neverwinter to Phandalin. He leaves for Phandalin with his escort, Sildar Hallwinter. He tells the party to deliver the supplies to Barthen's Provisions.   The party survives an ambush on the Triboar Trail and discovers a cave hideout north of the ambush site. They decided to finish delivering the supplies to Phandalin to complete the task they were assigned.

Our intrepid group of four heroes Aria Jadehand, Boarm Drek'thar, Findabhair, and Jar'Daani Nailo Vaas, hired by Gundren Rockseeker, embarked on an innocent enough journey to escort supplies to the town of Phandalin. Their adventure took an unexpected turn when they discovered a new ally, Po, who was mysteriously bound inside a box among the supplies they were tasked with delivering. As they neared their destination, the party encountered a grim scene: two dead horses, lying in the road for about a day. Upon closer inspection, they realized these were the horses of Gundren and his bodyguard, hinting at a sinister turn of events. This discovery was swiftly followed by an ambush orchestrated by a group of goblins.   A fierce battle ensued, with the heroes skillfully and brutally overcoming their assailants through gravitational spells and brute force. In the aftermath, they uncovered a hidden trail, leading to a cave hideout, presumably the lair of the goblin attackers. Choosing to pursue a tactical approach, they captured and interrogated one of the goblins. Through a combination of intimidation and deception — including a near-drowning experience and convincing the goblin that Boarm had saved him — they extracted valuable information.   With their newfound knowledge, the group made a strategic decision to turn back and complete their original mission: delivering the supplies to Phandalin and reporting what they encountered. They arrived in the town under the cover of night, their minds heavy with the day's events and the mysteries unfolding around Gundren's fate. Po was quick to seek out a local inn and order one alcohol.

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