Encountering the Redbrands

Military: Battle

8/11/1491 DR

The party, after resting, interrogated Sildar Hallwinter, learning he's an agent of the Lords' Alliance seeking to stabilize Phandalin and find Iarno Albrek. They discovered Gundren Rockseeker's capture was ordered by the Black Spider to secure Wave Echo Cave's location, found in Gundren's maps. In Phandalin, they learned from Stonehill Inn's patrons about the Redbrands' tyranny, including a recent murder and abduction. Confronting the Redbrands outside, they defeated them and learned of the woodworker's family's intended fate as slaves.   Investigating a run-down manor, they found Redbrands' hideout, defeating members and navigating traps to rescue the captiv

After a good night's rest for most of the party, they questioned Sildar Hallwinter and learned he is an agent of the Lords' Alliance, a group of allied political powers concerned with mutual security and prosperity. After escorting Gundren Rockseeker to Phandalin, Sildar had intended on checking on a fellow member of the Lords' Alliance, Iarno Albrek, who was sent here to help bring stability to this town. Sildar went on to explain that Gundren and his brothers had discovered the entrance to the long-lost Wave Echo Cave, site of the mines of the Phandelver's Pact. The bugbear who led the goblin band in the cave had orders from someone known as the Black Spider to send Gundren and any maps or other belongings of his to a place called Cragmaw Castle. Unfortunately, he did not know the location of this castle, but suggested someone in the town might. The party questioned a few patrons of the Stonehill Inn, speaking with a weaver the innkeeper's wife, and their child. They learned that a group called the Redbrands have been terrorizing this time for some time, and just a few days ago a local woodworker was killed in the middle of the town after he stood up to them harassing his wife. His wife and daughters were reported to be missing as well. As the party left the inn, a group of the Redbrands were waiting outside for them to attempt to scare them out of the town and making off with their belongings too, however, our heroes made short work of them. The last one was kept alive long enough to learn that they intended to sell the woodworker's family as slaves.   The party investigated a dilapidated manor at the top of the eastern hill in Phandalin and discovered tracks leading to a cellar. Jar'Daani Nailo Vaas stood out to keep watch while Findabhair dunked her head in a cistern to cool off, finding a small satchel hidden in the water, and "Po" rummaged through barrels and boxes, alerting Redbrands who were using this place as a hideout. After defeating these ruffians and exploring further, they encounter a trapped hall with a large pit. Though most of the party could safely make the leap, Findabhair effortlessly leapt across carrying Po over her shoulder. The party encountered undead minions and more ruffians in the rooms at the end of this hall, and freed the captive family and escorted them to the surface.   They continued their exploration of this hideout and found a disturbing beast in a large cavernous room in this underground hideout. The party was able to identify this creature as a nothic. It spoke to the party telepathically, it said that it was hungry for more flesh and that it was waiting to be fed. The party felt this creature was being kept captive here and they commanded it to leave this place without harming anyone.

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