Phandalin Liberated

Military: Battle

9/11/1491 DR - 10/11/1491 DR

After defeating Glasstaff and emerging from the Tresendar Manor hideout, our heroes were ambushed by remaining Redbrands using a Sending Stone to call for backup. Despite the reinforcements arriving in a drunken state, the party, led by Boarm Drek'thar and "Po," decisively ended the skirmish, even dramatically launching the head of the last Redbrand up a hill. They recovered several minor magical items from the fallen foes.   Returning to Phandalin for clues about the elusive Wave Echo Cave, they found no one in town aware of its location. Their efforts led them to Sister Garaele, a worshipper of Tymora, who enlisted their help to contact a banshee named Agatha about a lost spellbook. In exchange for their aid, she offered discounted healing potions and promised more rewards for any information retrieved from Agatha. With new objectives, the party headed east along the Triboar Trail toward Conyberry. Their journey's calm was shattered on the second night when Jar'Daani spotted and preemptively struck an ambushing party of sharp-toothed Cragmaw goblins in their makeshift cave camp.

After dispatching the leader of the Redbrands , Glasstaff, our heroes exited the hideout under Tresendar Manor only to be ambushed by additional Redbrands, who were hiding outside the entrance of their hideout. They appeared to use a Sending Stone to alert their comrades to come for backup. Despite the drunken reinforcements, our party prevailed with Boarm Drek'thar and "Po" making a spectacle of the fight and launching the head of the last Redbrand 20ft up the hill he was just pushed off of. The party uncovered several minor magical items among the spoils.   The group returned to Phandalin to gather information about the location of Wave Echo Cave. Unfortunately, their inquiries yielded no solid leads; it seemed that the cave’s existence was unknown among the townsfolk. Their search led them to Sister Garaele , a devout follower of Tymora, who shared her own quest to consult a banshee named Agatha about a lost spellbook once belonging to a man named Bowgentle. Grateful for the party’s interest in aiding her, she provided them with discounted Potions of Healing and marked the location of Agatha’s lair near Conyberry on their map, while promising more Potions and perhaps some gold upon their return with any information Agatha shares.   Eager to continue their journey, the party set east along the Triboar Trail towards the ruined town of Conyberry. Their first night was uneventful, but the second night proved more dangerous. While resting in a cave, they were ambushed by a group of Cragmaw goblins, with the same sharply carved teeth iconic of their tribe. Thanks to Jar'Daani's lookout, he launched a pre-emptive strike against the intruders and alerted his companions to the imminent threat.

Related Location
Triboar Trail
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