Alexander Sunguard Character in Fartharia | World Anvil

Alexander Sunguard

Father of Xavier & Derik Sunguard, Husband of Anastasia Sunguard, Commander of the City Watch in Armunia Kratero and a beacon of hope in Fartharia. Alexander had a difficult childhood growing up. Having a father who showed no affection and a mother who died by the hands of bandits when he was young, Alexander decided he didn't want his future family or anyone to go through the trauma he did. from then on he developed a hero complex and dedicated his life to protecting anyone and everyone he could, even at the cost of his own life with his ultimate goal being to somehow reunite Fartharia. But with there not being a threat like the Draconic Discourse in over 600 years, that dream is all it will be. Just a dream. He keeps a series of notebooks in a secret compartment in his desk. These notebooks contain important information that Alexander has gathered on the different regions and major players and Fartharia. Alexander met his Wife, Anastasia when he was still a Captain under his father. He was investigating a case of disappearing rations in soldiers' barracks across Armunia Kratero. After investigating a few leads, Alexander realized that it seemed the thief was stealing from each barracks on a rotation going counter-clockwise around Armunia. He was able to piece together where she was going to steal from next and decided to stake out the location hiding in the ration storage. After falling asleep he awakened to the sound of footsteps and bags moving. One day his son, Xavier, returned from his sabbatical with a motley crew of adventurers and informed him of the potential looming threat. After the Guardians leave to explore Kratero, Alexander got word that there is a fire in the Prasta District and with the Fire Brigade he rushes over to assist in the efforts to quench the flames. After successfully stopping the fire, The Guardians find a mask that shoots fire and Alexander suggests going to the local Artificer to get some information as they turn in for the night back at the Sunguard Estate. The next day Alexander, Derek and The Guardians found themselves in the midst of a terrorist attack by the newly revealed Disciples of Discourse, the Guardians left to save Anastasia and while they were away Vortigarr made a surprise attack on Alexander and Derek in the hopes of stifling the remaining hope of the people of Fartharia. He was successful in taking Alexander’s hand and Derek’s leg and eye. The Guardians chased off Vortigarr and were able to get Alexander and Derek the help they needed. After a day or two Alexander tasked The Guardians with uniting Fartharia once again to stand against Vortigarr and his army. The Guardians head off to Heinriech via Dustavarus and in the 90 days they were away Wembly was successful in using the hand and leg of a Warforged corpse to replace Alexander and Derek’s lost limbs.


Anastasia Sunguard

Wife (Vital)

Towards Alexander Sunguard



Alexander Sunguard

Husband (Vital)

Towards Anastasia Sunguard



Neutral Good
Current Residence
Armunia Kratero
Long, White
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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