Talia Vasenatu Character in Fartharia | World Anvil

Talia Vasenatu

Childhood friend of Xavier Sunguard, former 2nd in command of The Resistance in Dustavarus. Talia was an orphan from a young age thus was given Vasenatu as a last name. Having the last name Vasenatu can bring with it a degree of Judgement and Stereotyping, She tried many a time to escape the orphanage she was forced to call home but she would always be caught, that is until her 5th birthday where she was able to escape and spent days hiding until one day, she met Anastasia Sunguard in the Prasta District Market who caught her while she was trying to steal some bread, Anastasia took an immediate liking to her seeing herself in the child. She couldn’t be formally adopted into the Sunguard house but she was made ward of The Sunguards and that’s where she met Xavier. They were inseparable and together they learned to fight. In her time as a ward she took an unexplainable interest in religion, specifically Lunarism with The Ecliptic Synagogue, She just felt called to becoming a cleric under Nottlune. While studying she realized she needed some sort of income so she took up independent investigation as a mercenary of sorts while honing her fighting skills with The Sunguards. When they reached their early 20s Xavier was tasked with delivering a message to the Lord of Watermark to the north with Talia and 15 other Mercenaries but while passing through Mortum Gorge the were ambushed by The Hakan, a fight ensued where an explosion was heard and Xavier was knocked to the ground while he but Talia could hear it too she crawled over to Xavier and told him they were speaking infernal but she was swept up my the mercenaries. She hasn’t told the Party or Xavier much about what happened next, Maybe she’s hiding something. After sometime She found herself in the company of Daniel and The Resistance in Dustavarus and eventually became his 2nd in command, She was then captured and put in a cage out in the desert under the scorching sun. Xavier and The Guardians were able to rescue her and together they helped the Resistance in taking down Galdur, The Lord Ruler after which she joined the Guardians of Fartharia. In her time with The Guardians of Fartharia she has helped in identifying the Weapons of The Alliance, helped Carl discover his previous life, and helped take down The Lord Ruler and save the people of Heinriech from their stony prison. When given the opportunity to teleport she doesn’t go to Dustavarus with the Guardians, she goes to Armunia Kratero. What she was doing in her time away nobody knows but she tracked the Guardians down and helped them take down Malton and enter the portal only to be trapped behind enemy lines.


Talia Vasenatu

Childhood Friend (Important)

Towards Xavier Sunguard



Xavier Sunguard

Childhood Friend (Important)

Towards Talia Vasenatu



Aligned Organization


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