
Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Bobby's physical condition speaks volumes about his harsh journey from Lacktung training to servitude. He is noticeably frail and emaciated, displaying a slender frame that hints at persistent malnourishment. His skin, bereft of the healthy hue associated with youth, tells the story of limited exposure to natural light and a meagre diet. Scars, some self-inflicted, serve as visible reminders of his mental and physical anguish. His demeanour is one of profound physical and emotional fatigue, characterised by a tendency to hunch his shoulders and perpetually keep his head bowed, a symbol of his subservience and submission.

Body Features

Despite the physically demanding training during his time as a lacktung, Bobby's body exhibits signs of undernourishment and gauntness. While potentially holding remnants of physical endurance from training exercises, his physique predominantly reflects the harsh reality of insufficient sustenance and the tremendous stress he faced. Notably, his body lacks the robustness expected from regular physical conditioning due to the stringent dietary conditions he endured.

In addition to his gaunt appearance, Bobby displays signs of physical wear and tear stemming from his intense training regimen as a lacktung. These include callouses on his hands and feet from prolonged periods of standing and walking. Minor scars or bruises stemming from the rigours of training are also present. These physical features collectively underscore the taxing nature of his training and its lasting impact on his body.

Facial Features

Bobby's facial features testify to the profound physical and psychological toll he suffered during his lacktung training. His complexion appears pallid due to limited exposure to natural light and the absence of a balanced diet. His facial structure, characterised by a drawn and gaunt appearance, has hollowed cheeks and sunken eyes, which indicate prolonged malnutrition and emotional distress. His eyes are filled with fear, submission, and resignation. His long-standing habit of suppressing his emotions would manifest in the emotionless gaze that meets the world.

Physical quirks

Bobby's physical quirks echo his intensive conditioning as a lacktung and the lingering effects of his traumatic past. These quirks are deeply ingrained and manifest in various behaviours:

  • Constant Bowing and Prostration: Bobby is habitually inclined to bow or prostrate himself, even when such actions are unnecessary. This behaviour stems from the extreme obedience drills he was subjected to during his training. It reflects his unwavering commitment to displaying subservience and compliance.
  • Exaggerated Submissiveness: Bobby's posture and movements appear excessively submissive due to his lack of autonomy and fear of punishment. He avoids making direct eye contact and consistently lowers his head, an outward sign of his deference to authority figures. This exaggerated submissiveness has become second nature, further ingrained by his experiences.

Apparel & Accessories

  • Everyday Attire: In his daily attire, Bobby adheres to a functional and practical wardrobe. He wears a beige tunic and brown leggings that exemplify his servant role. Footwear is considered a luxury beyond his station, and he would not dare ask for it.
  • Cold Weather Gear: During colder seasons, Bobby layers up to combat the chill. He adds a basic jumper to provide insulation against the biting cold. A hat and gloves become essential accessories to shield him from the harsh elements.
  • Anklet: Bobby's monitoring anklet is constructed with careful consideration of durability and security. It comprises a flexible steel band coated in matte black silicon, blending comfort with robustness. This combination of materials ensures that the anklet remains unobtrusive during his tasks while being resistant to tampering or attempts at removal. Embedded within the anklet is a sophisticated monitoring chip equipped with an anti-tampering monitor. This advanced chip meticulously tracks Bobby's movements and activities while detecting unauthorised efforts to tamper with or detach the anklet.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Bobby's early life began in foster care, an environment that did not equip him with language skills. His time in foster care spanned until the age of 7, during which he left with the inability to read, write, or communicate verbally effectively. These early experiences left him frustrated and hindered his ability to express himself.

At 7, he transitioned to a general training facility for servants. Here, he underwent conditioning that emphasised the importance of silence and submission. These lessons rewarded traits such as quietness and submissiveness, laying the foundation for his future as a Lacktung. This training period contributed to his natural inclination towards being reserved and compliant.

Upon completing his training at 12, he entered a warehouse where he awaited potential buyers. His physical capability, obedience, and natural reticence caught the attention of the Royal Protection Society. They recognised his illiteracy and selected him for the challenging path of becoming a lacktung. This marked the beginning of his training, which severely affected his mental health.

During his lacktung training, Bobby suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms. These included anxiety attacks, violent outbursts, recurring nightmares, and self-harm. The trauma inflicted during this training led to significant emotional and psychological scars.

At 14, just before reaching the final stage of training, where his tongue would be removed, Bobby was removed from the program due to the severity of his symptoms. He was then sent to work at Belmonte House. His shyness persisted, but he found solace in the presence of Magan, another servant in the household. Despite his limited verbal communication, Bobby demonstrated dedication and diligence as a bootboy. He maintained a profound respect for Magan and other servants, often sleeping on the floor of Magan's bedroom.

However, a pivotal moment occurred when Bobby was 17, marked by the execution of Magan. This event deeply affected Bobby, but the support of other house servants gave him some stability. He gradually began to speak more during this time and was eventually promoted to 3rd footman.

Five years later, Lord Hannan Marisa visited the house, leaving Bobby bewildered as he recognised the visitor as Magan. Magan offered to take Bobby to his sanctuary, 'Osya,' where servants could live freely. However, Bobby's unworthiness made him decline the offer, and Magan left.

Bobby's life took another difficult turn when he was redistributed to Queen Galaday's palace at 23. Here, he faced cruelty, rudeness, and mistreatment from Galaday and her associates. The oppressive environment triggered a regression into his PTSD habits as he withdrew into silence and submission.

Despite Magan's return and offer of escape, Bobby continued to decline, convinced of his own unworthiness. In a final attempt to complete the ultimate stage of becoming a lacktung, Bobby tragically lost his life, marking the end of his tumultuous journey. Throughout his life, Bobby's behavior reflected his conditioned subservience and his struggles with self-worth, often overshadowed by the trauma inflicted during his lacktung training.


Bobby's education was minimal and lacked formal structure. He left foster care at age 7 with limited language skills and could not read, write, or communicate effectively. His subsequent training in a general facility for servants primarily focused on practical skills related to servitude, such as household tasks and obedience conditioning. The Royal Protection Society recognized his illiteracy and selected him for lacktung training, which further specialized his education for the lacktung role. Overall, his education was tailored to meet the specific needs of servitude and lacked academic components, contributing to his limited communication abilities.


Bobby's employment journey began at a general servant training facility at the age of 7, after leaving foster care. This initial training posed challenges due to his shyness and language difficulties. At 12, he completed his training and entered a warehouse for potential sale as an indentured servant. His illiteracy and quiet nature caught the attention of the Royal Protection Society, leading to his selection for lacktung training.

During lacktung training, Bobby endured intense conditioning, resulting in severe mental trauma. He was removed from the program at 14, just before his tongue removal. He was then assigned as a bootboy at Belmonte House, where his shyness persisted, and he rarely spoke. Nevertheless, he worked diligently and was highly respectful, especially to Magan, another servant with whom he found comfort.

At 17, Magan's execution deeply affected Bobby, but with support from fellow servants, he began to speak more and gained a higher position as 3rd footman. His employment turned negative at 23 when he was redistributed to Queen Galaday's palace, where cruelty and mistreatment resurfaced his PTSD symptoms, impacting his work and behaviour.

Bobby's experiences oscillated between quiet obedience and emotional turmoil throughout his employment history, reflecting his journey from a shy, illiterate child to a traumatised and challenged adult servant.

Mental Trauma

  • Obedience Drills and Silence Conditioning: These drills subjected Bobby to intense physical and psychological pressure. The fear of punishment for any deviation instilled constant anxiety, leading to hyper-vigilance, excessive obedience, and a deep fear of speaking.
  • Physical and Mental Endurance Challenges: The extreme challenges pushed Bobby to his limits, resulting in constant physical and mental fatigue. This left him withdrawn and submissive, and he learned to endure pain without making a sound.
  • Humility Exercises and Cultural Etiquette: Demeaning acts of humility and strict cultural etiquette training chipped away at Bobby's self-esteem. This trauma reinforced his perception of himself as a lowly servant and encouraged excessive deference and obedience.
  • Isolation and Loss of Personal Identity: The isolation intensified loneliness and helplessness. Bobby's individuality was systematically suppressed, leading to a distorted sense of self-worth and a belief that he was a mere extension of the training program.
  • Constant Surveillance and Fear of Punishment: The constant scrutiny created pervasive fear and self-consciousness. This fear heightened stress levels and kept him in a state of apprehension, encouraging excessive caution and obedience.
  • Psychological Manipulation and Loss of Control: Various forms of psychological manipulation were used to break doQwn Bobby's resistance. This manipulation led to feelings of powerlessness and insecurity, reinforcing his dependence on authority figures.

Intellectual Characteristics

  • Detail-Oriented: Bobby is naturally detail-oriented, keen to notice and focus on specific details. This trait is particularly useful in his role as a Lacktung and in various servitude tasks where precision and attention to detail are essential.
  • Conscientiousness: He is highly conscientious and responsible, taking his duties and tasks seriously. This conscientious nature makes him diligent and dependable, consistently striving to fulfil his obligations to the best of his abilities.
  • Orderly and Organised: Bobby prefers structured environments and routines. He thrives in settings with clear order and defined roles, which aligns with the structured nature of Lacktung training and servitude.
  • Empathetic: His empathetic nature allows him to understand the emotions and needs of others, making him effective at serving and caring for those he is assigned to. This trait is an asset in his role as a Lacktung and in his interactions with superiors and fellow servants.
  • Resistance to Change: Bobby resists significant changes or disruptions to his established routines. This reluctance to change may stem from his training and servitude experiences, where obedience and adherence to protocol were emphasised.
  • Limited Intellectual Exploration: His intellectual pursuits are limited to servitude's specific tasks and responsibilities. Bobby has not had the opportunity to explore a wide range of intellectual interests or engage in independent critical thinking due to the controlled environment of Lacktung training.
  • Self-Critical: He can be self-critical and perfectionistic, constantly evaluating his performance and striving for excellence in his duties. This self-critical nature was cultivated during his training, where high standards were expected of Lacktungs.

Morality & Philosophy

  • Absolute Obedience: Bobby firmly believes in complete obedience to authority figures. He sees himself as fundamentally inferior to others, including fellow servants, and accepts their directives without question. Obedience is a core virtue for him, and he strives to fulfil orders promptly and without hesitation.
  • Acceptance of Suffering: Bobby's philosophy includes a willingness to endure suffering as a demonstration of his dedication to superiors. He views suffering as a means to prove his loyalty and commitment to serving those in higher positions. This willingness to endure hardship is deeply ingrained in his psyche.
  • Fear of Divine Punishment: His religious upbringing instils in him a fear of divine retribution. Bobby believes that he will face earthly consequences for disobedience and divine punishment. This fear is a powerful motivator for him to remain obedient and avoid any actions that might be seen as sinful.
  • Lack of Autonomy: Bobby's philosophy includes a profound sense of self-abnegation. He believes he is unworthy of having independent thoughts, desires, or aspirations. In his view, autonomy is reserved for those of higher intelligence or social standing. Consequently, he willingly surrenders any sense of personal autonomy.
  • Divine Justification: Bobby's faith explains his lowly status as both a lacktung and a servant. He believes that his role in life is divinely ordained and that serving others, no matter how demeaning, is his sacred duty. This sense of divine justification helps him find meaning and purpose in his servitude.
  • Submission to Hierarchy: Bobby adheres to a strict hierarchical worldview. He sees himself as at the bottom of the social ladder and acknowledges the inherent hierarchy in society. This perspective shapes his interactions with others, as he defers to those in higher positions without question.


  • Absolute Obedience and Submission: Bobby's life revolves around unwavering obedience and submission to superiors. Disobeying orders or challenging authority, especially from nobles or clergy, is strictly forbidden. Criticising those in power is also off-limits.
  • Religious Devotion and Self-Sacrifice: Bobby's faith is paramount, and he follows it fervently. Neglecting religious duties, expressing personal desires, or failing to atone for perceived sins are grave taboos. He fears divine punishment and often punishes himself for perceived transgressions.
  • Silence and Self-Control: Maintaining silence and self-control is deeply ingrained in Bobby's beliefs. Breaking silence, making noise, or speaking out of turn is considered a breach of his commitment to silence and self-control.
934 TS 957 TS 23 years old
Current Residence
Belmonte House
shaved, blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
pale white
110 lbs
Aligned Organization