Royal Preservation Society


  1. Guild Head (King): At the apex of the hierarchy is the Guild Head, who is none other than the reigning monarch of Favont. The King serves as the ultimate authority in the society, overseeing its operations, making significant decisions, and setting the organisation's overall direction.
  2. Council of Stewards: Beneath the Guild Head, there is a Council of Stewards. These stewards are high-ranking members of the society who act as advisors to the King. Each steward is responsible for a specific area of the society's operations. These areas may include property management, artefact preservation, financial affairs, etc. The Council of Stewards collectively helps guide the society's policies and initiatives.
  3. Department Heads: Reporting to the Council of Stewards are department heads who manage the day-to-day operations within their respective domains. These department heads oversee specific areas within the society, ensuring that tasks are carried out efficiently and in line with the society's mission.
  4. Guild Members: Below the department heads are the guild members who work directly in various capacities to fulfil the society's mission. These members may include curators, property managers, historians, archivists, and administrative staff. They are responsible for the hands-on work of preserving and maintaining the royal family's heritage.


  • Preservation Excellence: The society's members uphold an unyielding dedication to preserving the nation's historical assets, artefacts, and cultural treasures with the utmost precision and care.
  • Loyalty to Monarchy: Their loyalty to the reigning monarch is unwavering, as evidenced by the King serving as the Guild Head.
  • Secrecy and Discretion: Members are bound by strict confidentiality codes, guarding royal family matters and society operations with the utmost discretion.
  • Conservatism: Rooted in tradition, the society often resists rapid changes or modernisation, preferring to maintain established practices.
  • Exclusive Reputation: Given their considerable influence, the society is renowned for its exclusivity, sometimes seen as distant or unapproachable by outsiders.
  • Cultural Guardianship: The society plays a crucial role in preserving and promoting Favont's rich cultural heritage, organising events and exhibitions to showcase its history.
  • Commitment to Education: Members engage in continuous learning and research, seeking to enhance their knowledge and expertise.
  • Unity in Preservation: Despite individual roles and responsibilities, members collaborate harmoniously to protect and promote the royal family's legacy and Favont's cultural heritage.

Public Agenda

  • Cultural Heritage: Preserving and protecting Favont's cultural heritage, including historical artefacts, buildings, and traditions.
  • Asset Protection: Ensuring the safeguarding of royal assets, properties, and artefacts for future generations.
  • Museum Management: Overseeing museums and galleries for public education and awareness.
  • Education and Outreach: Promoting understanding of Favont's history through exhibitions, lectures, and educational programs.
  • Historical Research: Funding and conducting research to enrich knowledge of Favont's heritage.
  • Ceremonial Duties: Participation in royal ceremonies with precision and reverence.
  • Property and Land Management: Managing extensive land holdings and historical properties.
  • Legacy Preservation: Preserving the royal family's legacy through historical records and cultural traditions.
  • Charitable Support: Supporting charities through events and raising awareness for their causes.
  • Collaboration: Partnering with cultural organizations and government bodies to preserve heritage.
  • Financial Management: Efficiently managing finances and investments to support preservation efforts.

Custodia Nostrae Hereditatis

Guild, Professional
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Notable Members