Noble Chamber


The Noble Chamber, a vital component of The Grand Assembly, is organised to represent the nobility from the 25 counties within Favont. Nobles primarily inherit their positions, typically passing them down through familial lines. In cases without an apparent clear successor, the incumbent nobleman can nominate their successor. The monarch can appoint a nobleman to represent a specific county when no natural successor emerges. The chamber elects a head speaker every five years to preside over meetings and discussions. To every meeting, each noble can bring one secretary from their county council to take notes. However, the role of a secretary carries risks, as they are held accountable for any leaks of information, as seen in the 897 incident when all secretaries were executed, although later proven innocent.


Within the Noble Chamber, a unique position is held by Lacktung a servant whose name is changed upon selection and whose tongue is removed. They serve until their death, typically being selected at a young age, and their role includes maintaining confidentiality within the chamber. Various individuals have held this position, including a kidnapped prince whose ransom was unpaid, leading to their transformation into a "Lacktung." Currently, the role is filled by an indentured servant selected from a training facility. It is considered a humiliating job, and few are proud to be chosen for it.

Public Agenda

The Noble Chamber's public agenda closely mirrors that of the broader Grand Assembly, with discussions encompassing issues, legislation, spending, defence, and other matters affecting the nation. Key focus areas include fiscal matters, foreign relations, infrastructure development, defence and security, environmental policies, trade and commerce, judiciary oversight, and addressing social and moral issues in line with Favont's cultural beliefs.


The Noble Chamber was officially established in 468 to balance the representation of nobility and clergy in the decision-making process. Initially, discussing matters separately within the Noble Chamber before convening in the Grand Assembly ensured that voices that might have been overlooked were heard. The chamber is physically attached to the Grand Assembly, adorned with portraits of renowned noblemen and a cabinet containing preserved tongues from past Lacktungs, symbolising its historical significance.

Founding Date
Governmental, Senate/Parliament
Parent Organization
Related Ranks & Titles
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Tense Cooperation

The relationship between the Noble Chamber and the Ecclesiastical Chamber is one of cautious cooperation. While they share the common goal of contributing to the governance of Favont, tensions persist due to fundamental differences in their belief systems and the perceived superiority of the Magi within the Ecclesiastical Chamber. This tension occasionally spills into the Grand Assembly's discussions, creating a complex political landscape where compromise is often sought but not easily achieved.