Sagramoor Geographic Location in Felidra | World Anvil
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Sagramoor is the largest nation of Felidra. It comprises the lands to the southeast of the Rabbit Run River, South of White Plume Mountain and the Capra Mountains, and west of the Aotus River. The capital of Sagramoor is Solum.   The ruler of Sagramoor is King Hector van Ordenn. He rules from the Aurora Palace in Solum. The Sagramoori people are proud warriors, who consider themselves to be the civilized light of the world. The Sagramoori army are called the Solar Templars, often shortened to just Templars. The Sagramoori seafaring forces are called the Sagramoor Royal Navy.   The people of Sagramoor often see themselves as heroes, and have a both religeous and martial culture. That said, it is not unheard of for the innocent to suffer in the name of Sagramoori "Justice".


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