Solum Settlement in Felidra | World Anvil
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Solum is the capital of Sagramoor. The city is a bustling metropolis, the single most populous city in all of Felidra. The city grew from around three major landmarks. The first is the Aurora Palace, home to King Hector Van Ordenn. The second is the largest cathedral in modern Felidra, the Ravasol-dedicated Gates of Heaven. This cathedral also serves as the home to High Priestess Sashia Vestrin. The third landmark of Solum is the great fortress of the Solar Templars, the Dawnlight Bastion. Adjudicator Markoss resides at the Bastion. The Adjudicator is the high commander of both the Templars and the Sagramoor Royal Navy.   The King, the High Priestess, and the Adjudicator make up the Triumverate, from which all the laws, and presumed justice, of Sagramoor flows.


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