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02- Banquet at Castle Dern

General Summary

Aosday (Saturday),Orastanna 20th,   You attended the Duchess' banquet at the Castle, where you ate a wide variety of delicacies, and met many new people. At the end of the banquet, the Duchess and Lord Gianos took you into her private audience chamber, where Quen-Li told her of Midea attempting to make an alliance with the dwarves of Darelia. The Duchess and Gianos then told you that there are supporters of Midea trying to bring about Midean rule in Dern, and that they seem to be lead by Baron Treno von Morrin, who is the Duchess' cousin. You have now been drafted to help prove that von Morrin is indeed a traitor by going to his estate outside the city and finding incriminating evidence. Gianos gave you some information about the estate and a rough map of the house so that you can better prepare for your mission

NPCs Encountered:

Dernish NPCs:


Foreign NPCs:


Upcoming Events:

Tomorrow Morning (Alkesday/Sunday, Orastanna 21): Meet with Lord Gianos in the Temple Plaza in order to obtain supplies, etc.
Day after tomorrow (Bleday/Monday Orastanna 22): Go to the Baron's estate
Also on Bleday, Orastanna 22: The Dolmaringan refugees will be meeting with Brock Taylor about joining the clothier's guild.

Rumors & Gossip Heard

  • The Golyan Ambassador gave the Duchess her new dress
  • The Lord Fiscal/Count Orlan is currently out of favor
  • The Dwarves of the Iron Kingdom are trying to get a contract to sell firearms to Dern
  • Tolrik & Adalwin were mistreated at the Bekian Court when they were there before
  • The Midean emperor is trying to marry the Duchess
  • Baron von Morrin thinks he should be the Duke rather than Risa Deres
Report Date
13 Feb 2021
Primary Location

Articles under 02- Banquet at Castle Dern


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