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Castle Dern

Castle Dern is on a site that has been fortified for millennia. Its basements are built into the hill fort that stood there when Dern was naught but a collection of tiny villages. Its walls are thirty feet from ground to ramparts and are built of the finest stone, imported from the Iron Hills, then limed, resulting in a silvery white face. The walls are thirty feet thick, with passages and rooms on the inside so guards and soldiers can move quickly from place to place.  The towers rise an additional ten feet above the walls.   The inner bailey houses the stables, a decently sized orchard and garden, as well as several shrines. The main building is entered through a thick gate, leading to the courtyard. The courtyard has a fountain for fresh water, and there are several doors that go into the various ranges around the courtyard. The main, largest tower overlooks the river, and houses the ducal throne room, where the Duchess hears petitions from her people. Other chambers include the banqueting hall, the Chamberlain's Office, servants' quarters, the kitchens, and the Solar. There are additional chambers for dignitaries and officials to stay in. Its interior has been updated and is both comfortable and opulent, the epitome of elegance.
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