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University of Dern

The University of Dern was founded in 3803 SF, and was originally a collection of scholars who were charged with improving Dern's defenses. Eventually, this evolved into a teaching institution and specialist in many subjects came to the ancient amphitheater of Dern to listen to and give lectures and demonstrations on a wide variety of subjects. Eventually this was formalized into the University as it os now, with its tall round towers, spacious lecture halls, and cramped student accommodations.   These days, the University serves over a thousand students with a wide variety of classes being taught, from Arcane and bardic arts to mundane things such as military strategy, history and philosophy. The university is regarded as the ideal institution of education in the entire world.     In the Central Hall of the University, which is the oldest building on the campus that is still standing, the doors are engraved with portraits of Reia, holding a book on one side and glowing with light on the other. The Central Hall is where the faculty, staff, amd students gather to eat, take exams, and listen to lectures. It can hold up to 1500 people when including the upper galleries.   The Great Library is attached to the Central Hall, but stretches a full six stories, including a vast Warren of underground archives that are protected by nearly two thousand years of Magic. According to the official university history, the library was built upon the original amphitheater. The first floor of the library has several reading rooms for scholars to work in, as well as a glass-roofed dome in the center, which is open on all floors.   Around the Central Hall are arranged tje various outbuildings, dormitories, and college halls that make up the University proper. Further beyond, in the periphery of the university are various supply shops, inns offering food and lodging for students, and other supportive infrastructure to support the University.   University faculty and staff often live on campus with their families. Of a professor is single, they will only occupy their rooms, which includes a bedchamber and their office, Faculty members with families are given small apartments in addition to their rooms. Staff members are given lodging in a long, low hall behind the main building.
Educational, University
Parent Organization
Controlled Territories

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