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Autonomous Duchy of Dern

Dern's location at the mouth of the Donre River and on the Coast of the Glittering Sea, with control of the Donn Pass make it a world power despite its small size. Its location is at the juncture of several important trade routes, so it has both wealth and influence. Due to this, it is a country with a very tolerant nature in regards to race, religion, and magic. As long as one does no harm and follow the laws, most people in Dern will accept any differences and get on with their day.    

Basic Information

  • Common languages: Common, Dernish, Bekish, Elvish, Dwarvish
  • Demographics: Mostly human (~38%), elf (~14%), dwarf (~11%), and halflings (~10%), followed by half-elves (~7.5%), gnomes (~6%), orcs and half-orcs (~5%). All other races make up the remainder.
  • Ducal Monarchy with a quasi-elected council (duke/duchess rules as sole, hereditary ruler, but with a City Council to advise them)
  • Dern is the biggest and only real city in the Duchy, however Castle Deres, a military fort and ancestral home of the Deres family, is the second most important settlement
  • Major allies: The Isles of the Glittering Sea, The Kingdom of Arfen, the City-state of Fridtun, the Princedom of Bavran, the Kingdom of Hrotha
  • Major Rivals: The Empire of Midea, the Kingdom of Bek


  • Major Political Leader(s): Duchess Risa Deres
  • Secondary Political Leader(s): Count Strom Noachim, the Lord Mayor
  • Governing Bodies (if any): The City Council
  • Core council (ducal appointees): Lord Secretary (in charge of documents) , Lord Fiscal (in charge of money) , Lord Justice (in charge of justice & safety), Lord Marshal (in charge of the armies), Lord Admiral (in charge of the navy), Lord Chamberlain (in charge of the ducal household), Lord Ambassador (in charge of foreign policy)
    Noble Elected Councilors: (elected by the nobility): three Lord Exemplars
    Guild Elected Councilors: (chosen by the guilds): three Viri Exemplar
    College Officials: High Chancellor of the University, three Viri Eruditius
    Religious officials: five clerics (one for each of the First Gods)
    Elected Officials: The Lord Mayor, two Viri Optivus (to provide input from commoners other than guild members)
  • Major Political Factions: Isolationist(want to keep things more or less how they are currently and focus on trade; Duchess Risa is the head of this), Expansionist (want to expand Dern's territory and power into a new empire), & Pro-Midean Factions (want to join the Midean Empire) are the principle political factions in Dern, and the Traditionalist faction that wants to keep things roughly how they are now.


  • Standing army and navy of volunteers, conscription during times of need
  • The Duke/Duchess is the commander-in-chief, followed by the Lord Admiral and the Lord Marshal, then various lesser generals and admirals.


  • Major imports: spices, raw ores, wood, fancy goods, etc.
  • Major exports: cloth, crafted items, common/uncommon magical items, etc.
  • Economic organizations: Various craftsmen's guilds, the University, etc.
  • Smuggled/illicit items: expensive alcohol (due to high taxes on it), poisons, etc.
  • Food: Grains/Fruits/Vegetables/etc. Pork and lamb are popular meats, but fish is king due to the proximity to the Glittering Sea as well as the Donre River and Donn Lake.


  • Descent & kinship systems: bilateral descent (a choice between taking the mother or father's surname; generally they take the name from the higher-ranked parent; married couples can take either surname or each keep their own, according to their own choice), otherwise pretty similar to the US
  • Marriages- don't marry your first, second, or third cousins is the general rule; you should marry someone with a similar station as yourself
  • Inheritance rules- eldest child gets the most (double share?) but other children generally get a share
  • Values & Virtues: Dern values hard work, law/order, skill & industriousness
  • General Zeitgeist: Live and let live/Strive to better one's self.


  • Dern is noted for its primary worship of the First gods- the lesser gods are venerated but the state primarily worships the Five (Rayna, Reia, Irdal, Aohr, and Phaerean: see the Mythos of Fels Rayna for more information)
  • Holy days: The Solstices and Equinoxes. The Spring Solstice is the New Year.
  • Dern is a really religiously tolerant place, as long as you aren't trying to bring down death and destruction

Art, Architecture, & Literature

  • Dernish art is noted for its elegant, interlocking curlicues, floral motifs and highly stylized forms. Older forms are more geometric. Portraits and landscapes are often idealized and stylized rather than lifelike, and bright, bold colors are favored.
  • Dernish architecture is delineated by its stonework, rounded arches, beautiful tile work and beautiful slate roofs. More expensive building may have lead or bronze roofs, such as the Castle in Dern, the University buildings, City Hall, and various temples. Only the poorest houses are made of wood. There are tell-tale influences from the Bekian Empire, such as the use of spires on the city walls.


  • Dern has grown and changed through the years, having began as a simple fishing village on the river and bay. Over time, it's importance grew due to its central location and eventually, it became the regional hub of power. Though it was ruled by the old Bekian Empire, after the collapse of the northern empire's power, Dern arose as an independent and influential state in its own right. Peoples from all over come to Dern to pursue trade and power.




  • City of Dern
    A City Map of Dern
  • Village of Dyttes
  • Trading Town of Donn
    This town is located at the north end of Lake Donn, with easy access to the Hrotha Mts. This has allowed it to become a trading hub between Dern and the dwarvish kingdoms of Darelia and Hrotha. Many dwarves live alongside the humans here. The surrounding area is heavily forested along the lake..
  • City of Dern Road Map

Articles under Autonomous Duchy of Dern


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