Renewing the walls

Every year before the start of the rainy season, the walls of the City of Fenixia, as well as of the buildings within, need to be restored. As they are made of adobe, the rains every year weaken them. So they need to be restored before the next rainfall. This need has been turned into an annual festival and contest between the young men of the different families to see who can do the largest section of wall the fastest and best, which lasts about half a ten-day.   Timeline   The exact timing of the event depends on the turning of the seasons and the changing of the winds. Zaydael, the Chastiser, relinquishes his grip, allowing Phadrari, the Nurturer, to begin to exert their influence over the world again. The first sign of this is the blooming of the Ziscus flowers on the slopes of Rancour Bluff due to the increased moisture in the changing winds.   Once this is spotted, the Families organise an expedition to the mountains to gather the flowers. Most able-bodied people take part in this. The exception are the Family Aunties who take advantage of this to take their charges from the Halls of Childhood and spend the day at the River Beach.   Three days of mud sculpting follow, where the families compete to repair as much of the walls as fast and as well as possible. Everyone is welcome to take part in the way they prefer, though most of the sculpting work is done by the younger adult members of each family. Older ones advise, while ensuring adequate supplies are nearby to aid their work. The children plait the gathered Ziscus flowers into garlands, which they drape across the walls on the final day.   Water is carried from the river in buckets, clay is gathered from the river banks, and food is prepared everyday by each family kitchen. Those working on the walls need to balance the need to get all the walls completed in time, with their artistic flair to add their own patterns and designs to the area they are working on. Too much time spent on making it pretty and they won't do enough work to be lauded. While if they do as much as they can, it will all be plain and boring and won't be lauded either.   When the Parent Council deem the building is complete, they start the festival. Awards are granted to the people whose work has been noticed by the Family Parents. While they award rewards to those who work on the city walls, each family does the same for those who choose to stay and work on their Family Segments. Those who have proved themselves over the previous few years are invited to work on the Emperor's Palace.  

Social scene

  This is a time when the social rules are relaxed. Everyone gets muddy, and the moratorium on socialising with members of other families is ignored. Young people of all the families take this as an opportunity to enjoy themselves without needing to worry about upholding the reputation of their family.   Being noticed by the Parent Council or your Family Parent awards you with a higher regard within your family. This can be a start to raise your standing within the family and be seen as more eligible by those looking to settle down and start their own family within the Family.   The completion of the walls is celebrated on the final night with a feast and party. Entertainment is split between the Families, each of them showing off with their most capable members. This means the event is the best musical and theatre show of the year.  

The New Year

  The beginning of the season of Phadrari brings with it the rain and the start of the new year. So the celebrations for the completion of the renewal of the walls, is also a celebration of the turning of the seasons and the start of the new year. Each family competes with the others to provide the grandest feast, to display the amount of food they still have from the previous year. It is a way to show off their household management skills to try and get one up on the others.

Cover image: by Stock photo purchased from DepositPhotos


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Aug 12, 2023 22:49

Ritual of repair and party. Nice job.