
The Dragon of Travel

The everchanging mind.

Some people wonder why the stories that the priest and priestess are always changing but the reason why is that they are always looking to find the truth and keep their minds open to a new way to look at the world. The same thing is true for this goddess her way is the way of the world and like the world, she is always changing but still stays true to her self.

Travelling truth seeker.

Like their goddess, the clerics of Arumstrum travel along around the world looking for the truth of the world both past and present as such they are often seen alongside groups of archaeologist and sages looking for new studies but they won't stay for long many working with a given group for one or two missions and then moves on to the next one but may work they way back to that first group to work again. However, clerics that work as an adventure will most likely stay with one group for life of that group along is on the move and doesn't stay in one area for too long relative to the race fo the cleric.       

The Travellers 

The clerics of Arumstrum are called Travellers and are normally human and over races that have a shorter life span but very rarely she will choose a member of a different race that has a love for adventure witch is the thing that binds all of her clerics as well a lust for finding lost knolage. 

Divine Domains

Silver dragons, portals and Change

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A dragon holding a cane

Tenets of Faith

  • Keep moving forward.
  • Do not let your mind stay in the past.
  • Don't take words for granted, find your own truth.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Find all the secrets of the world.



Twin Sister

Towards Esterross



Twin Sister

Towards Arumstrum


Divine Classification
Neutral Good
Esterross (Twin Sister)
Pale Blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Smoove Silver


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