
The Dragon of Death

The living gateway to hell.

The dragon of Death that swallows the souls that Shénhuà deems that they go to lower plains, and as the final punishments of the gods by being chewed and swallowed by a dragon before ending up in ever The 9 hells, abyss or Hades. 

The dragons that brings death.

The dragon that brings death with a single touch to even a dragon, who's very reason for existence is to end the life of all and especially dragons, the creatures that bring the most destruction to the world.  

Guardian of the spirit.

Those that worship Drogon believe that carving an image of him in the tombstone they make as a deterrent to the spirit coming back as they believe if they do drogon will swallow them back to the afterlife, or they will craft statues of his and place them in graveyards as a guardian, or as a body for him or one of his chosen to act though. 

Keeper of the dark one.

One of the main tasks for both Drogon and his followers need to always keep in mind is to prevent the reformation of The Father of Monsters, a dark god that wants nothing more than to destroy the tree of life.        

Keeping the dead down.    

As the keeper of the dead and the evil souls, Drogon detests the dead coming back to life and will destroy all undead that is not made by his daughter Seraress followers as they neither make it to the land of the dead.

Divine Domains

Chromatic dragons, Death, and Grave

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A Dragon with its head pointing down

Tenets of Faith

  • Purge the dead from this world.
  • Destroy all of the creation of the fallen God.
  • It is not the place of a reaper to bring the dead back to life. 

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Keeping Darit from reforming.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Drogon has a dark serpent-like form with the back legs of a house the arms of an eagle and two long and thin feathered wings a horse face with two long whiskers at the end of his nose and deep black eyes with red irises.




Towards Drogon



Towards Mogon

Divine Classification
Greater Power
Lawful Evil
Mogon (spouse)
Dark Orange
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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