Races of Karsack

The playable of the world include the following:

Dragonborn (PHB only)

The people that live in the desert moved there by their draconic gods Drogon and Mogon in one of their last wide spread messages to land. Now they stay there, mining in the mountains and hunting the undead of the desert.


  • Gray
The slavers of the underground world and making their home deep below their claimed mountains, where those that break their laws get the chains around their necks working in the mithril and adamantium mines.
  • Mountain
The people that want to fight back the evil the most and bring the darkness into the light. With the help of their light Arune, whose teaching they follow to the point of zealotry, helping them in this path are those that can't fight normally, who craft weapons, armour, or research the secrets of the land.
  • Hill
Great artisan, builder and artificers, whilst the deep dwarves mine and hill dwarves fight, the mountain dwarves craft great citadels to defend, with the mundane weapons and with the arcane devices by their great artificers, as they are one of the few people that train in earnest in the arcane art, even if it is confined into technology.


  • High
Waist many fear magic the high elves try to embrace, study and master it seeing it as the key that most of the over kingdoms are forsaking because of some children blowing up homes when awaking their sorceries power.
  • Pallid
Wondering fortune tellers, wondering performers, copper and silversmiths who are blessed by a far off goddess called The Mother of stars, the Pallid Elves live a life on the road, trying to rally over, or bring a sliver of happiness to those that have lost it, however, because of this lifestyle, very few know much about them and as such most are slow to trust them and cold towards them.
  • Shader-Kai
Left behind from the war of the gods, but turning towards the corps of the dead staying in the mountains, tribes of warriors and shamans keeping an eye over the black sea.
  • Wood
Patroling their woods with ruthless efficiency, they take up the druidic mantle to protect what little land they can watch. Not allowing outsider into their fold it is said that if one doesn't come back out of a wood elf forest you will never find they're body as it will have been eaten by both beast and elf.


A once raider society that took over a Dwarven citadel a two centuries ago during a Ghoul invasion, and still living there to this day, they have started to make it their own, adopting the style and techniques of the Mountain Dwarfs.


  • Rock
Working alongside their distant cousins of the dwarven race. Even shorter than the dwarves and not equally bulky, this small-framed race compensates for the lack of muscle with ever working brains and a great aptitude for invention. Even though their inventions have a bad habit of blowing up, no one can stay mad at a Rock gnome. Their cheerful attitude, curiosity, and humour put the rock gomes among the most likely to have a good feast or a carefree dance.
  • Forest
The once that like to live wondering around the freed lands to find a home for themselves, being the only race that a wood elf will trust for their respect of the natural world Forest Gnomes are often found in small communities just on the outskirts of their forest and often trade items between the two communities.


  • Ghostwise
Normally living in the slums all over the land lending themself to be natural information brokers and thieves or in some case spies. However, they care little for jewels or inventions. Ghostwise's use the lore they gather to build impressive libraries on specific subjects. Within the countless volumes of these libraries lie generations of knowledge pertaining to the Ghostwise's passions, from cooking to brewing, beekeeping, and much more.
  • Lightfoot
Raver normal folk are the Lightfoot's only wanting simple and safe lives and to make the large families happy witch is hard to do unless you have a good business or their own farm so they normally live on the outskirts of towns or in their own villagers hidden in hills and vales.
  • Lotusden
Wondering with the Pallid elves in their caravans around the country they normally act as scouts and sages, passing down their druidic teaching from one generation to the next. When visiting towns and villages people are more open to the little folk especially since they are said to bring good luck and my posable heal a few sick if approached with the right intentions.

Half-Orcs (Renamed to Venbar Orc)

Once part of the demon lord Radagast's army, a number of tribes left in a giant uproar leaving many dead but the remaining went off to work with races of man and dwarves to fight back against their previous master. Now living in the town alongside their brothers in arms and over the year, they have started to lose the anger that once derived them into their work and now look towards the next fight with new weapons.


One of the most remarkable races left, with the ability to move and adapt to the world around them, whilst some of them fell into the darkness and went over to the darkness, but those that stayed in the light went on to build powerful cities to defend themselves and plan the next attack.


The populous races of Karsacks all have stories about the Ogresh, although few have seen them in person. Stories describe them as solitary wise men and women who serve as founts of information and advice for the nearby communities. Adventure tales abound where the protagonist receives counsel from an Ogresh before setting off on their quest, and yet others describe royal advisors with a distinctive set of wide features. Regardless of the veracity of such tales, the Ogresh still exist across the continent, viewed as something of an exotic oddity.   In truth, the scarcity of the Ogresh is a result of their particular biology. Young Ogresh mature slowly, and during their extended youth, which may last decades, they are driven by a deep-seated sense of wanderlust. This feeling compels them to travel in search of a suitable area to settle, consisting of ample natural resources, a local population of sentient creatures, and a lack of other Ogresh nearby. Once they decide upon an area, an ogresh enters the second stage of their life, which is marked by a drastically increased appetite and a mostly sedentary lifestyle. More than a single ogresh could easily deplete the surplus of a small village, so the reason for their wanderlust is a simple case of biological necessity.

The Disembodied

A strange phenomenon that happens in all races were a soul from a being that lives in the Ethereal plane finds its way into a body to be born anew. When a Disembodied reach's age of 12 they start to have memory's of a large city and a portal in the sky, learning some arcane powers that they once had and the ability to briefly send themselves into the Ethereal.

The Downcast

After The Reset  and the loss of most divine power in most of the world the lesser angles that remained lost most of their power and became more like the people that they were supposed to protect becoming mortal. The downcast, as they have come to be called, are far fewer in number than when they first arrived, with a great number of them succumbing to despair and sickness after their fall from grace. Of those who were able to stay on the right path many still have a job to do in this world such as collecting souls or healing the sick and are thanks for doing this talking high places in society and churches.


Not a race in of themselves but a curse that a child is born with. The curse can take many forms depending on what cursed you, one cursed by a demon may have horns scales and uncontrollable temper, one cursed by a hag may have claws and fangs, or one cursed by an elemental my show properties of the elements themself.
  • All subraces are available beside winged


A race of wooded doll made by the fey as a replacement for the sleeping toddler that they take, animated by faerie magic and concealed in a glamour that makes them appear identical to a stolen mortal babe. However once the glamour fades and the lie is revealed, the Wechselkind is often cast out by its foster family, if not destroyed. But still, some are taken in and still raise as if they were the stollen child but forever stuck in the body of a toddler.


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