
The Dragon of Decay

The dragon that makes and destroy the dead.

The dragon of decay that brings death to all that stave of death when it is there time to go, however at the same time keeps the body of those that still need to be on the earth to help overs, either by guarding overs or being a repository of knowledge that is too dangerous to be put in a book that might be destroyed.   Because of her high priests/priestess are often turned into mummy lords that are then placed into tombs with there dead followers that are brought back as mummies to be there protesters.   She is often responsible for the creation of undead guardians for very important temples of her and important tombs that hold things the remains of royal families or power artifacts.  

The war of the undead.

While Seraress is responsible for the creation for some undead these are primarily made up of her followers that are given the option to defend the living or those that volunteer their bodies much like an organ donor, her clerics and paladins are charged with the task to destroy any undead that are made ever by careless necromancers or by over extra-planar forces so their bodies can be up to rest.  

Queen of Black Dragons.

As the first black dragons, she does have some of the same tendency as them such her favoured offerings of relics of long-gone civilisations and she enjoys watching them fall however she doesn't aid in that act.   In fact, if the civilisations that is on the verge of destruction is one in her favour, she is known to take the innocent as wipes them away to a safe place so their culture may carry on.  

The cycle of life, death and decay.

In the eyes of Seraress death is not the end for one are your body will become food or fertilizers, it is important to her worshipers when something is to be destroyed something new should come after it.

Divine Domains

Black Dragons, The Dead, Decay, and Preservation.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A dragon holding a heart.

Tenets of Faith

  • Destroy all unholy undead.
  • A dead body must be dealt with ever be buried or given back to the earth.
  • Stop those that wish to bring the dead back for their own personal gain.



Twin Brother

Towards Seraress



Twin Sister

Towards Coravis


Divine Classification
Lawful Evil
Coravis (Twin Brother)
Luminiose Green
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Black scaled
56 ft

This article has no secrets.


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