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Euaneual Suntouched

King of Divine Kingdom of Rasar Euaneual Suntouched (a.k.a. Exiled Ranger)

Euaneual Suntouched, King of Divine Kingdom of Rasar, Glacier Protector, ranger of Howleran, the Vilian exile and known also by many other names is a kaluman human noble, born in Kingdom of Villa in 1352 PG, who was exiled from his home country and then became a hero of Howleran when he and four other adventurers had secured a powerful magical artefact known as the Heart of the Great Glacier. He is also responisble for reclaiming it with his companions from ice giants king a few decades later and searching its pieces, when they have been taken in 16th century by monster legions.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Euaneual is considered to be strong and agile thanks to his century-long life in constant action and fight. He is slim, which causes him to look quite undangerous when in armour and pity those who thought some, before getting to know his hidden strength and dexterity. He tries to hide it, but he is known among friends to be a sprinter with really low stamina.

Body Features

Euaneual is tall kaluman male. He is generally slim and have v-shaped silhouette. Under his clothes he hides muscular body. Among his friends he is told to be most propotional human they know. Perfectly long arms and legs and head in sligthly oval shape.

Facial Features

Most important facial feature of his are his big eyes in colour of vibrant orange. They are reason for last name of his family. He has high forehead and his short, curly hair start almost at the top of his head. He has got round ears with golden earings. His nose is short and his mouth full.

Identifying Characteristics

His big vibrant orange eyes and a scar on his neck, made by Ikvima's ice axe.

Special abilities

Euanneual knows simple ways of magic, enough to be considered a spellcaster, but he uses it rarely. Instead, he is known to deal extremely well in fights against hordes of opponents.

Apparel & Accessories

Necklace of eternality - a necklace with a very small hourglass, that causes the wearer to age 10 times slower. After taking off wearer stays at their age with no negative effects and starts to age normally.   Twins of oak - two short swords made of elven steel. Their magical capabilities make them stronger of welded together.
Entangling bracers - set of bracers made of leather stripes that can be controlled by a wearer. On a command word, they spring forward and entangle on first touched suface.

Specialized Equipment

Euaneual is a master in fighting with two swords at the same time. He mastered use of those in fight against multiple opponents.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Exile from the Kingdom of Vilia for helping surrendered. Call of the Frozen Queen. The First war of the Heart. Journey to the south. Second war of the Heart. Duke of Divine Duchy of Rasar. Third war of the Heart.




He had been educating in Brular for 15 years, before he was exiled. He was one of the best students of Brular College, elite school exclusive for nobles. He is very fond of knowledge that explains way of the nature and also of Laurelan romantical literature.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Helping surrendered Auvarans. Becoming the hero of the Howleran, thanks to his matters with the Heart of the Great Glacier. Saving Divine Duchy of Rasar and becoming its Duke. Finally finding his stable place in the world, with his wife by his side.

Failures & Embarrassments

Inability to save Ambrose when she was struck by the Heart.

Mental Trauma

Afraid of becoming a rotten noble, just like his family.

Morality & Philosophy

"One should be judged only by what they have done, regardless of who they are, from where they are, what do they look like."   "People of this world are only important thing in it. That is why heroes arise - because they understood that and decided to protect what matters."


His noble family, which decided to exile their firstborn.

Personality Characteristics


Euaneual wants to protect people of Ferdlan, as he knows that they are What really matters in the world. They build it and create it with their stories, ideas and achievements.
Euaneual feel the responsibility of a ruler and wants to keep peace and prosperity to his new home and its allies.


Since he became an important persona with high status, he was forced to keep himself clean, which was a big change for him, as he liked his life in wild. Status itself was not enough to force hygiene out of him, but his wife was menacing enough.


Contacts & Relations

Glacier Protectors.

Family Ties

Euaneual Suntouched was an heir to the noble family Suntouched of Brular, a high noble house in the Kingdom of Villa. He has cut off every tie to them after they have caused him to be exiled from Vilia. When he became Duke of Rasar, a messenger from his parents came, offering him to come back from exile as their firstborn son and Duke of Rasar, but he rejected the offer, knowing they only cared about his new status in society.


He speeks in a deep, warm voice with a very characteristic Vilian accent, that causes him to accent clicking letters. He always adress a person by their full name, not forgetting neccessary titles, unless they are really good friends. He sometimes might sound even too official, but he always tends to stay friendly and kind in conversation.
Neutral Good
Current Status
Ruling the Divine Kingdom of Rasar
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
King of Divine Kingdom of Rasar. High Lord of Brakdar. Glacier Protector.
Date of Birth
34th of Konar, 1352 PG
Circumstances of Birth
Current Residence
Brakdar Manor
Vibrant orange, big and round
Very short, dark brown, curly
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark brown
Virtar (demigod of heroism)
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, dwarven, orcish, gnomish, elven(barely).

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