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The Folds are special areas of Ferdlanthat have been partially separated from it. Only a certain part of them, still connected to the rest of the world, can be used as a kind of gate. The easiest way to explain this is to use the example of a town that became a Fold and by chance the town gate was left as a connected part. If someone from the outside looks at the previous location of the settlement, they will see a normal area with only the gate standing. However, looking through the gate, one can see the whole city.

From inside, the state of the world seems to be frozen in time, just as it was during the separation. Anyone who tries to exit the Fold at a location other than the gate will see that it changes direction towards the gate, and the length of the path will be distorted to match the non-Euclidean distance.

Natural Resources

The Folds are considered not only the result of a great cataclysm, but sometimes a national resource. Cities built between the Folds are natural strongholds that can only be attacked only from one point. This in itself can also be a major weakness, as the city cannot support much traffic, is easy to siege, and has difficulty interacting with the outside world. 

Due to the many treasures lost in the Folds, finding even a small one can make a country very rich. 


Folds are usually created as a result of major cataclysms. The most famous of these is of course Godsdoom, as well as the Three Mistakes. When a separation occurs, a large chunk of land is forcibly bent into space and separated. During Godsdoom the remaining holes in the landscape were directly repaired by the Gods.

Folds are more likely to form in areas more filled with magical energy. Because of this, many great wonders were lost between spaces. All explorers consider the Folds to be a most welcome find. Especially since the elusive nature of the Folds and the fact that they can technically be hidden anywhere seems to affect the dreams of every explorer. They can be as small as a single building or as large as a small country, although the average size is around 4-7km in diameter.

Alternative Name(s)
Pockets, Hidden Spaces
Dimensional, Pocket
Location under
Included Locations

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