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One of the three Inner Planes, the plane of war and darkness. It exists in the same place as Ferdlan, but has separate quantum fields and with them, separate forces of electromagnetism, weak force and strong force (a inferno-electromagnetic, inferno-weak and inferno-strong forces). With that, interaction between them is only possible through negligible gravity and special moonlight. The inferno-fields have a significantly lower energy states then their ferdlan counterparts.


Infernol consists of gray and black deserts as well as large rocky formations.


The only living creatures of Infernol are devils and demons. The former comprise the vast majority of the population as they are infinitely spawning from nothingness. During their lives they fight with one another over what little mana they have, trying to survive against the all consuming world. The vast majority dies that way, but the few surviving ones get powerful enough to resist the plane. Those ones have a chance to attract the attention of demons. Some die from that.
Demons do not fear the Infernol as they are powerful enough to create domains spanning kilometers. They rearly do that, prefering to concentrate the power on themselves only, and leaving the devils to their constant struggle.

Localized Phenomena

The very space of Infernol is infused with the concept of war and darkness. It constantly tries to chrip away the life of everything that inhabits it, with the only way of preventing it being the creation of a domain via sorcery. This phenomenon manifests in the same way as radiation - minor burns, cancer and harmful mutations.
Plane of Existence
Inhabiting Species

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