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Perlan, known also as the Rising City, is a capital city of the Kingdom of Rilan. This great city has been founded in -2,903 BG by dwarven clan of Risefolk. Since then it grew in prosperity of sea trade and resources that has been swimming down the Silver River. This city built on the side of the Perlan Mountain is seperated into levels, each of them fortified. Never has the Rising been conquered by an army of enemy thanks to great dwarven walls, surounding each and every level of it.


  • Dwarves - 30%
  • Halfings - 15%
  • Humans - 15%
  • Goblins - 5%
  • Spheretouched - 7%
  • Dragonborns - 4%
  • Durans - 2%
  • Tutans - 1%
  • Gubars - 0.5%
  • Orcs - 5%
  • Gnomes - 5%
  • Elves - 0.5%
  • Government

    Pelran is a city directly under Rilan's king control and he has responsibilities and power over the city same as governor of a city. He is responsible for changes in city's law and appointing import city offices. He is lord of the city and that makes him a representative in city's matters.


    The whole city is covered with city walls with five gates and plenty of towers placed on it. Castle Perlan is a great stronghold, which has 24 great towers, with a view of the whole city. Each level is separated by a small wall, consisting of two gates and a few towers. The defence of the city assumes that an enemy will not go through thick city walls, which can fastly swarm with archers, but in addition, there is a wide street just behind the wall, that is purposed for infantry defence.


    The whole city is built around the great Castle Perlan and divided into six levels, each of them placed lower and divided by stone walls. River goes around the castle and falls down in a few waterfalls on lower levels. Buildings are grouped between small roads. There are only a few wide roads, all of them leading to the market, wide enough for a few carriages to pass themselves at the same time. Along those roads there are magnificent statues of dwarven warriors, watching the city carefully, almost as prepared to defend it from evil. At the border of the city and the sea, there is a long dock named Docks of Duernam. Across the Silver River, there are plenty of bridges connecting both sides of the city. The levitrain line passes through the centre of the city and its station is located on the second level of the city.


  • Castle level (first level) - The highest level of them all. On this level is located Castle Perlan, home of the King of Rilan and lord of Perlan. Its borders are filled with the river, forming a moat, that then connects underneath the King's Road and falls down in waterfall to lower levels. Castle is a magnificent, giant stronghold with 24 towers, each of them decorated with a statue representing one of 24 heads of founder clans, that formed Rilan.
  • Market level (second level) - The market level is a level full of shops, forges and workshops. Each street is filled with street vendors, as they have been disbanded in the market themselves, leaving space for street artists and mages. The market itself can be named the heart of the city, there are plenty of shops, that very soon became most famous of all, thanks to their location, and two taverns, which became almost legendary: Armoured Dragon and Drunken Table. They are the two most frequently visited places by adventurers of the whole Rilan. The first of them, became famous thanks to their food specialities that are known to be extremely spicy and soon eating contests became the best entertainment and the second of taverns became known to its famous set of drinks, consisting of elven wine and finest dwarven ale.
  • Mountain level (third level) - This is the level that is inhabited by miners and workers of mines that go deep inside of the Perlan Mountain. In the place where level connects with the mountain itself, there are numerous mining shafts from which carts full of mined stones come and go magically lifted from deep beneath by magical, copper lines connected to them and going deep down which are controlled by a flow controller, a spellcaster controlling a constant flow of magic in material with infused levitation.
  • Western level (fourth level) - The fourth level is divided into two. The western part of this level is home to wealthy inhabitants of Perlan.
  • Southern level (fourth level) - The fourth level is divided into two. The eastern part of this level is home to very specific shops, workshops dealing with technology magic and famous forges, constantly aflame while blacksmiths create their unique works of art and craftsmanship.
  • River level (fifth level) - This level is home to regular inhabitants of the city.
  • Dock level (sixth level) - This level is home to sailors, that came back from their journeys, and a level where Docks of Duernam are located. It is most usually swarmed with sailors, their families and curious people that enjoy the look of the sea.
  • Architecture

    The whole city is mostly constructed out of stone, as many dwarven structures tend to do, mostly based on squares and rectangles with a whole lot of columns. Higher the level, higher a building, as wealth rises with each level. Every bulding was built with a thought of a small stronghold for every citizen - thick walls, small windows.


    Perlan is built right next to Perlan Mountain. It starts high above sea level, where the Silver River enters inside of the city, then every city goes lower and lower and the river falls down to each level in a waterfall. From every level wall, there is a beautiful view opening to the vast sea, with white sails in far away, near the horizon. The city ends on the end of the coast, where it opens into a wide sea.
    Founding Date
    -2,903 BG
    Alternative Name(s)
    Rising City
    Inhabitant Demonym
    Location under
    Owning Organization

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