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Kingdom of Rilan

The Kingdom of Rilan, also known as the Last Land of Dwarves, is a dwarven kingdom, that survived through millennia of numerous wars and threats, remaining under the control of a dwarven monarchy. It is the only country like that, as the second remaining dwarven kingdom has abandoned the idea of dwarven monarchy. It lies on the southeast part of the Howleran, laying on the Howling Coast, next to the Wolf Sea. It has always been a stronghold country, which forever prevailed through multiple threats which overwhelmed other countries. It often was a home for war escapees, which came in search of a home, when their previous has been destroyed. It is said, that the country was once under rule of Praesid, the demigod of protection.


Head of the Kingdom of Rilan is the King of Rilan. His title passes down on his firstborn son. He is restricted by rules decided by Council of Rilan, which has the power to disban king's order and give him a chance to correct himself. If king disobeys the Council, then it has the power to detronise him. Then his son becomes a king. When there is no kin to be given rule, then Council has to choose a new dynasty. Under king there is Kindgom Senate, which is legislative power inside of a kingdom. It debates about changes and matters involving Rilan and when they reach a conclusion, they present a change to the king. King is the ruler of whole country, which is seperated to clans, each having their own teritory. Clans are ruled by their heads, which are chosen by people of a clan. In a clan there are different setllements and each of them is sovereign to their head.

Public Agenda

Kingdom of Rilan is a home to everyone looking for it and willing to find it in it. Rilan is shelter, Rilan is father, Rilan is peace. Kingdom of Rilan will not allow evil spread through its lands, neither lands of whole Ferdlan. It looks for justice and mercy, it sees good in people and exiles evil.

Demography and Population

Most of Rilan's population is located on its coast and alongside rivers. Most of its population is located in plenty of villages. Most populated city is Perlan. After it most populated cities are: Grasshall, Whitune, Sunowel, Easern, Heaver and Howlfan.


Most popular among Rilars are Kilion (God of life) and Juon (God of giving) and their aspects. The least popular are Tawar (God of taking) and Oural (Goddess of destruction).

Agriculture & Industry

Thanks to the great fertility of grasslands in Rilan, it became a farm power, full of crops every time of the year. There are also many dwarven forges, that are constantly creating plenty of armor and weaponary.

Trade & Transport

Transport and trade of Rilan is mainly through its many rivers that connects almost every corner of its lands. Second most used form of communication are Levitrain lines which connect most important cities of Rilan and then go further along the Howleran's coast and to the Tar.


Every city inside of Rilan is built around a dwarven castle, than was once a stronghold of a clan. They connects villages around it and grew bigger and bigger though time. Inside of the Rilan there can be found remains of long border walls, that were deassembled and rebuilt on new border after expansions. Currently a new border wall is being built with multiple gates connecting it to Republic of Nadal and Kingdom of Tar. There is only one gate connecting Rilan to Ouvuran Empire.

Prevail and defeat evil

Founding Date
-2,275 BG
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
Rilan, Last Land of Dwarves
Government System
Monarchy, Constitutional
Kingdom of Rilan accepts a currency that is called Rilan's Currency and is divided in four types of coins:
  • Platinum coins - Hammers
  • Gold coins - Suns
  • Silver coins - Stars
  • Copper coins - Comets
  • Major Exports
    Ships full of crops leave from Rilanian harbours and go alongside Howleran's coast, trading alongside the way, to later enter Northern Rift, allowing it to trade with countries of Nothsandan.
    Legislative Body
    Kingdom Senate
    Executive Body
    The King of Rilan
    Controlled Territories

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