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Victor Krovadov

Emperor VIctor Crovadov

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Victor Krovadov appeared seemingly out of nowhere after the establishment of Ouvuran Oligarchy. Not much is known about his prevoius life, besides the acquaintance with various Orcish Warlords as well as Sarahian Amirs which he showed during his later activity. He seemed to be a far better option for the people of Ishimdrad then the old group of people who stood above them for centuries, only exploiting them for their own benefit. 

While the first part of his revolt was purely done with his military might, he quickly found a group of loyal humans to keep the city under his reign. He lured the orcs with a promise of equal right and after they joined him, Krovadov marched with his armies to conquer the surrounding land. His awe-inspiring might and lidership skills he convinced the people, that he is capable of creating a single country for the general ouvuran culture. Many lords surrendered to him and pledged loyalty as soon as his armies entered their realm, out of fear or genuine hope for change. This didn't change even when Krovadov returned to Ishimdrad in 1406 to solidify his rule and governance. When armies of the newly formed Ouvuran Empire finally met a more sizable opponent, the speed of expantion and the methods changed. Instead of winning easy battles through sheer strength, smaller scale skirmishes and political machinations propelled the Empire, but its growth was constant. 

Accomplishments & Achievements

The list of stories told about Victor Krovadov is both long and filled with false information, but some of them seem to appear more frequently then others. The creation of the biggest empire in the current world is but the least exciting one.

When Krovadov united the lands many people felt threatened by his existence and send assassins after him. During his first years as the Emperor it got so bad, that only in year 1410 their number reached 103. His achievement isn't however that he survived all of this, but how he did it - by by completely ignoring the assassination attempts. He drunk the poisons, let himself get stabbed both awake and in his sleep, he bathed in acid and revived too many types of spells to mention. The result of it all were many dead guests, bent blades and corroded bathtubs as well as 102 very surprised assassins captured right after, as if the royal guard knew about them all along and just left them, since thier posed no threat. The number of attempts at his life in the year 1411 was no larger then 10.

Intellectual Characteristics

The most important part of dealing with Victor is the fact that it is impossible to disobey him. Not through some overwhelming charisma or charm, but instinctual fear instilled int every creature around. He isn't however violent nor unstable, quite the opposite in fact. Krovadov is a calm and generous person, never getting angry and forgiving even the worst mistakes. At the same time, he is a ruthless man with no regard for common morality, annihilating all who oppose him.

All of that is combined with a mentality that can only deal with absolutes to form a man that seems to have two different faces. In reality, he is always true to himself and works on the same principles. He learned that people's tend to lives break when they come into direct contact with him. In day to day life, both before and after becoming an Emperor he tried to follow the common laws, such as paying for things in shops. However when it comes to achieving his goals, disobedience is punished with death. This is quite possibly the most important rule of the Ouvuran Court. The other one is not to make the same mistake twice. 

Victor Krovadov learned early in life that most people cannot do things immediately and need to learn. While surprised, he accepted this as jet another thing he is better at and does not require others to do as well as he does. That however ends when they done something once. They tried, made a mistake and if they haven't learned from it, it means they aren't doing their best to fulfill his orders. And that is not tolerated.

Divine Classification
Year of Birth
1326 PG 261 Years old
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
There has yet to be an emisary that speaks in a language he doesn't know. However he prefers to speak in the official language of the Empire -

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