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Ouvuran Empire


The great size of the Empire makes it almost impossible to govern the whole country from the capital alone. Instead, every major region has a family of Lords that stay in charge of it and the minor Lords that own a particular piece of land. These Great Noble Families receive general instructions from the central government about the taxes, new laws and actions that need to be coordinated with other Great Families.

The government of Ouvuran is formed by the Emperor, the 8 ministers and their secretaries. These ministers are

  • Minister of Ceremonies - responsible for overseeing the reception of emissaries, sending and preparing Empire's own, as well as managing them. He is the minister in charge of foreign relations. He has four secretaries in charge of every continent.
  • Minister of Treasure - coordinates the spending of Empire's resources between other ministers as well as the collection of taxes. His six secretaries fill largely the same role of calculating and remembering large amounts of information for his immediate use.
  • Minister of Intelligence - responsible for spies and intelligence on other nations as well as powerful individuals. He is also in charge of counterintelligence and helps the Minister of Justice in finding well hidden criminals. Four of his secretaries focus each on one continent, one on powerful individuals in general and two on inner workings of the Empire.
  • Minister of Justice - oversees the people's adherence to law and apprehension of criminals. He also has the final say (excluding the Emperor) when it comes to determining whether a person broke the law or not - in other words he is the great judge. Ten of his secretaries focus on a particular province of the empire and three others specialize in the law as judges.
  • Minister of Technologies - cooperates with Great Court Wizard on research into various magical and physical technologies, but his main responsibility is to make sure every part of the Empire utilities the current technological standard. His ten secretaries each work on a single Imperial province.
  • Great Court Priest - controls the various churches and faiths of different Gods and serves as their representative in discussions between the ministers. He has no secretaries.
  • Great Court Martial - responsible for the Imperial Army and Fleet as well as all the wars the Empire is currently in. But in reality his job is mostly to coordinate and oversee his numerous secretaries. Five for different fronts, two for fleets, two for supplies, tow for transportation, two for military intelligence and one for counterintelligence.
  • Great Court Wizard - leads the archwizards in the Empire, oversees the magical research and manages the deployment of mages to armies.

The Emperor himself handles the internal politics of the Empire. While he doesn't need any secretaries to aid him in this monstrous task, there exists a House of Representatives, featuring 10 members of different Great Noble Families. Their job is to relay the problems of provinces to the Emperor and his orders back to their Houses. This is the most deadly post within the Empires government system, as 37 of them died due to causes other then old age. That cause was in fact the same in all cases - disrespect towards the Emperor and misunderstanding of their duty.


A relatively recent nation formed in 1404. After the Disappearance of Rekingrad and subsequent fall of Moroladese, the area lacked any major power that could keep it stable. While many politicians gathered and proclaimed establishment of a new country, it was disorganized and lacked the wealth or armies needed to survive. When in 1404 many major countries launched Seventh Noth Crusade, a duranian general Victor Krovadov started a coup. Using the distraction provided by the crusade he used his orcish legions to quickly conquer first the surrounding area and then then one of the weaker neighbors.


Ouvuran Army is a meritocratic organization based on Legions. 7 of these are currently stationed along the borders of the Empire. In addition other units of different sizes and compositions are assigned wherever they are needed. Combined, the might of Imperial Army can be counted in around 60 000 highly trained professional soldiers.

The fundamental principle of imperial strategy is to match the enemies where they are the strongest and strike where they are weakest. Against an army of levies Ouvur will deploy a large amount of well trained legionaries. By matching the numbers it is expected that the superior training will make the difference. Similarly, 

When it comes to the officers and commanders all ranks captain and above are held in pairs, officer and an adjutant, similarly to how ministers have their secretaries. Thanks to the meritocratic system of the Army, any sufficiently strong person can become an officer. That however does not guarantee their ability to command the troops, so an adjutant is ether assigned, or picked by the officer (and verified). Their job is to help where the official commander is lacking. That applies also in reverse - if one were to ascend through the ranks with their wits and strategic cunning, the adjutant would serve as a guard. It is quite common for adjutants to become officers later, but the most skilled ones are usually kept by their officers.


While the amount of educated people in the Empire doesn't even approach 100%, a large amount of schools have been built in all territories. They are paid schools of course, but the government can pay for one's basic education, on the condition of enlisting into the army. Even greater benefits lay for those in whom magical potential was found. They can enter the Army College or even, with sufficient talent, the Wizardry Academy. If one decides to take the Army's offer, they will get a higher rank upon graduating, but that is not the only option. Despite it's name, College also has classes for civilian carrier paths, but only some of these receive government subsidies, depending on what nation currently needs.
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Empire
Head of State
Government System
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
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