Deadwood - Heaven's Gate

In Heaven’s Gate, Deadwood operates as something of a second government. Their main turf is The Underground, though their influence is certainly present beyond. Providing services ranging from debt collection, drug peddling, security, and even assassination, they are a potent and everpresent force in the city that one should take very seriously.   They are led by a half-elf who goes by the name of Chase. He is known to be an active member of Deadwood, in the sense that he will often involve himself in seemingly benign operations of the guild. He is notorious to have an obsession with debts and agreements, vehemently enforcing any deal made by himself or the organization, no matter what circumstances may arise.   Those who attempt to shy away from the deals made with Deadwood are pursued with frightening veracity. No matter how small an exchange may be, it is said that Chase himself will - whenever possible - be the one to enact the punishment for breaking it. It is also rumored that Chase has an Imperia in order to help him enforce contracts, though that may be a myth.   As a result of Chase's leadership, Deadwood has flourished in The Underground. The guild may not have an issue with most "unethical" activities, but their vehement adherence to deals that have been struck has resulted in a strong trust from the residents of the Underground.   Any important deals made in the district will almost certainly have a member of Deadwood present in order to oversee the initial agreement. This provides both parties with a sense of security, knowing that each side will be forced to follow the agreement, lest they wish to deal with the wrath of Deadwood itself. This cements Deadwood as a governing force of the area and provides them with extremely intimate knowledge of the important activities throughout the Underground.  


  Ranks and divisions within the organization, at least this particular branch, are distinguished by playing card suits and values.



The "Clubs" are the muscle of Deadwood and amongst all of the organization's divisions, are the most numerous. Amongst all of the other divisions, the Clubs are considered to have the least authority when it comes to Deadwood's operations. The Club's specialty is exercising force that does not call for discretion, and as a result, most of its exclusive duties are limited to providing basic security. However, they will often work in conjunction - or under the direction - of other divisions once matters have progressed to a point where a public show of force.   The current Queen/leader of the Clubs is a Phoenix named Genris Corfax.


The "Diamonds" are responsible for Deadwood's financial matters and are in charge of facilitating such operations. Most encounter Diamonds in matters of gambling, debt collection, and drug deals, and typically only interact with those designated as Faceless. Many confuse the Diamonds with the clubs, as the two typically work in conjunction with one another.   The biggest difference between the two divisions lies within the capabilities of their members, with Diamonds having superior social skills, and clubs having superior combat prowess. Few see - or at least recognize - the Jacks of this suit, and even fewer see the Queen, an Atelidae named Nora.


The "Hearts" are the division responsible for espionage and information gathering. Most assume that bartenders, escorts, and innkeepers are the ones who populate the suit's ranks, as they are the ones in the best position to acquire information. However, due to the inherent nature of their operations, it usually is never definitive. Interestingly enough, the "Jacks" of this organization are fairly well known. They operate as information brokers for the suit and are expected to be capable enough to defend themselves.   Information on the "Queen" of this division is non-existent; the age, gender, and race of the individual are completely unknown, even to other members of the suit.


The "Spades" are those in charge of targeted violence. The Spades are unique in that members are required to have earned the rank of "Jack", as their operations are almost entirely limited to assination. Due to the nature of their operations, interaction with Spades is usually limited.   The only public information on the Queen of this suit is their name, Sindra. The name, race, age, and appearance of this individual are completely limited to vastly inconsistent rumors.



The lower ranks of the organization are referred to as “faceless”. These are the grunts of the organization, and make up the bulk of Deadwood. They are new or less skilled members of the group and are relegated to overseeing minor exchanges, providing minimal security, distributing drugs to the masses, and doing other more menial work.


Above the Faceless are officers which are referred to as "Jacks". These members will delegate more minor tasks to the "Faceless" and act as de-facto squad captains in day-to-day operations. A "Faceless" is able to obtain the rank of "Jack" after being recognized by the upper ranks of the organization, and there is no strict limitation to the number of individuals that can hold this rank.


Above the Jacks, are the Queens, which are some of the highest-ranking members of the organization. There is only a single "Queen" for each division of Deadwood, as they are responsible for overseeing the major facets of Deadwood's operations. The Queens of Deadwood are amongst the most capable in the organization and are often tasked with completing more complex and dangerous tasks. If a Queen is present for a job, it means that Deadwood has deemed it to be of the utmost importance.


Above the Queens is the rank of King. This rank is reserved for a single individual and is awarded by whoever holds the title of "Joker". The King serves as the right hand to the Joker and can be considered the secondary leader of the entire organization.


The title of Joker belongs to the true leader of the entire organization and is currently held by a half-elf named Chase.   As a note, despite the organization's naming conventions, there is no rank of "Ace".
Uniform worn by Deadwood "Faceless" & occasionally "Jacks"
Guild, Thieves
Ruling Organization
Parent Organization
Controlled Territories


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