
Slionogoth is ruled by the reclusive Yuan-ti with the aid of their loyal followers, the Owlin, and the Lizardfolk. The Yuan-ti hold all the power and wealth in this region but are generous to the Owlin and Lizardfolk who make up their advisers, spokespeople, emissaries (in the case of the Owlin or military, grunt work (for the Lizardfolk). All other races make up 50% of the population of Slionogoth, but these other races, with the exception of Dragonborn, are able to rise very highly in society.   The region of Slionogoth boasts the most powerful armies in all of Ferrovax which is largely due to the (willing) conscription of the Lizardfolk who will fight to the death in the interests of the Yuan-ti.   The military is spread on 3 fronts: the north where they defend their border from any potential undead uprising from Icecrown; along the border with the Kingdom of Nodim, who they are in a state of cold war with; and to the south east where they can launch attacks into The Golden Expanse against the Gith.  


The region itself is made up of vast lush forests and grasslands. Towards the north, where it gets considerably colder, it is mostly grassland.