
The Tortle are a nomadic race who work with the Dragonborn to provide trade throughout the different regions of Ferrovax. There are only two places the Tortle will not go, Icecrown, because it is just far too cold, and Feusag Dragain, because The Fey are troublesome to deal with.   The Tortle act as the logistical side of the trading operation they conduct with the Dragonborn. They may be slow but they have a reputation for getting goods to where they need to be both on time and safely. It is a brave person indeed who tries to ambush a Tortle convoy, for the Dragonborn are not the only race with dragon blood in them. The Tortle are descendants of the dragon turtles. There are tales of pirates trying to take a Tortle ship only to be wiped out by a dragon turtle. Similar stories exist for land convoys where it has been known for a dragon to come to the aid of a Tortle caravan.   Most people think the dragons defence of the Tortle is due to their association with the Dragonborn. The reality is it is because the dragon turtles relationship with both dragons and the Tortle.   Tortles are generally good natured and enjoy the company of all the other races and especially stories. While the vast majority of the Tortle are involved in the logistics business there are the odd few that go off and do something else.

Civilization and Culture

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Primarily Draconic but they typically speak any of the other languages in order to facility trade.   Goblin, Abyssal, Feline, Celestial, Sylvan, Avian, Giant, Kothian, Primordial, Tir'su.
100 years
Average Height
medium or small