Artist Cottage

The guest house of the Realm of Craft is a strange and magical thing. It is located a scant 200 feet down a path to the right of the Handi House. The brain child of both Larixi and Entaliss, the cottage has been so heavily imbued with magic that it is not clear where the building stops and the magic begins. The Cottage was built to house the visitors to the Artisan Pavilion, many of whom, at least in the early days, were not native to the Feywild, and therefore were less willing to spend weeks sleeping out of doors.

The Rooms

The guest rooms of the Cottage magically morph to fit the imagined needs of the visitors. This means there has been a lot of variety and the locations and styles are constantly shifting. Sometimes the Cottage decides it likes a room enough to keep it materialized even when the guest is not in residence. These additions are never permanent, but are quite welcome when a traveling artisan returns to find their rooms as they were left.

Notable Guests

Zoh Jaing

A scruffy green Dragonborn, Zoh was a frequent visitor to the Realm of Craft in the latter part of his life. Zoh was an accomplished armorer, and would occassionally come to make use of the Artisan Pavilion when he found his mortal tools were no longer up to the task.

The center of his room in the Cottage was a large bed lined with all sorts of green moss. No matter the time of year, a warm fire always blazed in the fireplace. Zoh's room persisted in the house for several years after his death, as if the cottage itself was mourning him.

Madelonus Hujar

Leather can be a tricky material to work with, and its properties can vary greatly depending on the hide it is made of. Madelonus was a human craftsman who met Larixi on one of her supply trips to the Prime Material Plane. She asked Madelonus if he had any leather from Bugbear hide and his interest was piqued. Over the next 30 years, he would often partner with Larixi on strange and unusual projects, experimenting with different types of hide. In return, Larixi would enchant his finest works for him.

Madelonus was the kind of craftsman who never stopped creating. Perhaps that was why he and Larixi got along so well. He was responsible for the creation of the Tanning Pits near the Artisan Pavilion. His room in the Cottage was a full leather workshop, with all the bells and whistles, with a simple cot tucked into a corner. His room is a long-term fixture, as Larixi still uses it from time to time. She claims that even though he has been gone more than 15 years now, it feels nice to work with the tools that once belonged to her dear friend.

Clacinda Freg

The Realm of Craft doesn't have anything against music or the perfomance arts, but that isn't really the focus of those that gather here. Occassionally, though, exceptions can be made. Clacinda has the ability to craft beautiful musical instruments. She has gifted several to Entaliss over the years in return for the facilities at the Artisan Pavilion.

Entaliss still hasn't figured out what kind of creature Clacinda might be. She is a denizen of the Nine Hells, but still finds time in her busy schedule to come visit. The cottage seems to know when Clacinda arrives in the Feywild and prepares her room. A faint odor of smoke always seeps under the door when Clacinda is in residence. When asked about it once, she said that her room was just like home... whatever that means.

Augustus Gaelon

Augustus was a devotee of Entaliss several centuries ago. He was best known for his sword making, and several of his prized pieces are still in posession of his patron.

As a young man, Augustus came to Entaliss seeking a boon to improve his craft. She was happy to oblige, but he did not ask the price. He was never able to leave the Realm of Craft again. Augustus was the first permanent inhabitant of the cottage, and stayed there throughout his life. Due to the permanancy of his residence, Augustus' room stretched the cottage to it's full capabilities. His room was hardly a single space - before he died he had a whole home behind his door.

While Augustus was not technically able to leave, he never seemed to mind. He would often tell visitors that he never would have been able to enjoy a life of such richness and interest in his small town home. Even so, the windows in his room never showed the Feywild outside. They were views of rolling hills and farmland from a place far, far away.


Rebel, or Reb, as he prefers to be called, has been a long term resident of the Artist Cottage during his collaborative project with Larixi on Razor Fiber.

Reb's room is shockingly simple in its design and adornment. It is an open space with four pillars surrounding a sandy training space. Simple lanterns hang from each of the pillars, casting a warm glow on the room. A ring of red climbing silks hangs surroudning the sand pit. Depending on the time of day, these serve as training equiptment, chairs, or Reb's bed.

by AI art generated via

Cover image: by Tara O'Neill


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