
Larixi Eventide

Larixi is the occassional co-leader of the Realm of Craft with her wife Entaliss. She primarily identifies as a crafter of diverse interests. These days her fixation is on crochet and other fiber based crafts.
Larixi is a firbolg, but she received a fey curse that dramatically altered her appearance. She now has gold horns that curve back and away from her face. The curse removed her fur, leaving behind only the blue tinged skin. She often pulls her red hair back out of her face so that it is "out of the way."
Larixi is typically wearing some sort of dyed leather armor. She prefers to be well protected at all times, even if there is no reason to suspect danger. Her favorite armor is blue and green with gold trim, and was one of the first things she created for herself after leaving the forced servitude of goblins. She often has a metallic chatelaine clasped around her waist. She changes the tools dangling from it to reflect whichever craft is holding her interest this century. Currently there are crochet hooks, yarn bobbins, and stitch counters swinging by her hip.

Mental characteristics


Larixi has never been discriminatory in her affections. Despite all her attempts to the contrary, she fell in love with Entaliss, and has been happily married for a long time.


Larixi never received formal schooling. She was taught how to coexist in nature and how to craft what she needed for survival by her family when she was a young girl. Her aptitude for creating beautiful things caused her significant trouble as an adult, leaving her often wishing for the simplicity of her home.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Larixi enjoys working with strange and usual crafting materials. She has collaborated with artisans on several great inventions, including Razor Fiber and Bugbear skin leather armor.

Mental Trauma

As a young woman, there was a goblin attack on Larixi's home village. Everyone was taken prisoner and forced to work in a Feydark mine. Larixi's talent for metal working caught the eye of the mine foreman, and she was moved to be his personal slave.
While working for the foreman, who she still refuses to call by name, Larixi was forced to make all sorts of finely wrought jewelry and accessories from the metal her family was mining in the shafts below.
To this day, Larixi refuses to craft in metal. She is willing to have others engage in the art, but she does not partake herself.

Morality & Philosophy

Little misses the sharp eyes of Larixi. She is a simple, kind soul, and often serves as a counterbalance to her more impulsive and chaotic partner. Whenever possible, she tries to remind Entaliss that other beings have complex emotions and circumstances.



Technically Entaliss is the ruler of the Realm of Craft. But as in any good partnership, Entaliss sometimes draws upon the perspective of her wife. Larixi is often seen as a calmer, cooler personality. If she is not in a state of manic creation, she is often easier to negogiate with than her wife. Sometimes denizens of the Realm of Craft or supplicants seeking boons from Entaliss will first start with a visit to Larixi.

Family Ties

Larixi's family is long dead, but not forgotten. After her liberation from the goblin mines, she tried to gain the same freedom for them, but it was too late.
Time passes strangely in the Feywild, but she tries to return once a year or so to the grove where she grew up to honor their memories.



wife (Vital)

Towards Larixi




wife (Vital)

Towards Entaliss




Entaliss found Larixi when she was still a mere mortal. Larixi had been enslaved in the Fey Dark mines as an engineer. It was, in many ways, love at first sight. Entaliss knew she had to get Larixi away from there. And the rest, as they say, is history.

Current Location
Entaliss (wife)
Amber, wide
Long reddish brown, often pulled up and back out of her face.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
blueish tint
6.5 feet
Quotes & Catchphrases
Larixi is driven by a desire to create. She always wants to push the boundaries. While deep in the throes of a creative fervor, she can be seen clasping her hands and asking:
What else can we try?

The relationship between Larixi and Entaliss is one built on mutual respect and admiration. They are aware of each others strengths and weaknesses. Sometime Entaliss gets a bit overeager and tries to rush her dear wife.
Entaliss dear, are you sure you can't wait a moment? You would think sometime in the last few hundred years you would have learned patience!
Known Languages
Celestial, Common, Elvish, Goblin, Sylvan
Ruled Locations

Cover image: by Tara O'Neill via Canva
Character Portrait image: by AI art generated by Tara O'Neill via


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