
Entaliss (a.k.a. Lady Creative, Patron of Formation)

Entaliss is an archfey who presides over the Domain of Craft with her wife Larixi.
Entaliss can change her appearance at will. Though she can assume a normal appearance, she often lengthens her ears and fingers, enjoying how unsettled this makes mortals. When angered, she does occassionally grow in size, reaching up to 8 feet in height.

Personal History

While Entaliss' childhood was so long ago that she claims not even to remember it anymore, she did originally train as a wizard. She did not attend a traditional college or university, but learned at the feat of a wiziened old archmage (her description, of course). When he died, she took over his tower and library.
While sifting through the dusty times, she came to the decision that all of the books were not a true representation of a person. She wanted her legacy to be more dynamic, more tactile. This was when she began her lifelong interest in the creative arts.
Her patronage of various skilled artisans brought her great satisfaction, but she felt that there was more to be done. She began seeking ways to enhance creations from the books in the archmage's library. It was during this search that she learned the secrets required to prolong her life. Though many have begged since, she has only used this skill one additional time - to extend the life of her love, Larixi.
Shortly after the ritual required to extend her life, Entaliss moved to the Feywild. One of her parents was from there (she can't remember which) and she thought that would be the perfect place to create a haven for art and creation that she so badly craved.
Over the following milennia, Entaliss grew in power, and began carving out a region of the Feywild to call her own. It became known as the Realm of Craft. Her fey blood took primacy, and she was able to ascend to the rank of Archfey.

A Love Story

Entaliss was several thousand years old when her life took a dramatic turn. She had been sought out by a group of Feydark miners who were seeking assistance developing new mining equiptment. They tempted her with finely wrought silver jewelry and dazzling gemstones. She agreed to see their facilities in exchange for a future favor. You never knew when a favor might be needed, after all.
It was deep in that Feydark mine that Entaliss first saw her. She was a beautiful blue skinned woman with golden eyes. She was bent over a work table, twisting the metal in front of her into glorious shapes. For the first time, Entaliss could guess at what love could mean.
The young woman, who she later learned was named Larixi, was a slave of the mine foreman. She was the one who created the gifts originally used to lure Entaliss to visit in the first place. Entaliss knew exactly what the favor she would ask of the miners would be.
Following her work at the mine, Entaliss demanded Larixi's release to her in payment. Entaliss had, after all, inspired the workers to develop a new drilling mechanism. They begrudgingly agreed, bound by the magic of the fey pact they had made.
After bringing Larixi home with her, Entaliss spent the next 15 years wooing her new companion. Larixi was thrilled and grategul to be finally free, but she was slow to trust. Life had been hard. Fortunately, Entaliss could afford to wait.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Due to the changability of Entaliss' appearance, it would be hard to define gender in the typical sense. Entaliss does typically take female form and uses she/her pronouns.


Entaliss is in a romantic relationship with a female.

Intellectual Characteristics

Entaliss is very intelligent, and has the wisdom to use her knowledge appropriately. She seeks out new ways of thinking and relishes snappy intellectual conversations.



wife (Vital)

Towards Larixi




wife (Vital)

Towards Entaliss




Entaliss found Larixi when she was still a mere mortal. Larixi had been enslaved in the Fey Dark mines as an engineer. It was, in many ways, love at first sight. Entaliss knew she had to get Larixi away from there. And the rest, as they say, is history.

Divine Classification
Chaotic good, though she prefers to pretend she's more neutral.
Current Location
Larixi (wife)
Most often her hair is long and white. Larixi likes it that way.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
At rest, creamy white. But due to her changeling ancestry, that can change at any time.
6 ft 8 in
Quotes & Catchphrases
Entaliss is often challenging craftspeople to push themselves even further. In a gleeful, childlike way, she often responds to creations that please her by saying:
How delightful! Can you make it...more?
Known Languages
Celestial, Common, Dwarvish, Elvish, Orcish, Sylvan
Ruled Locations

Character Portrait image: by AI art generated by Tara O'Neill via Neural.love


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