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Reclamation Day


First celebrated during the one year annivesary of the event in the year 3A 721, Reclamation Day celebrates the defeat of the orcish armies that held Mythshire and the surrounding lands, and the reclaiming of the county capital after 10 years of abandonment.


During the day many shops have sales and travelling merchants have their wagons set up all through the main town road. Warm food and drink, particulary shepherd's pie and mulled wine with hot chocolate for the children, is served in most communal areas as people gather both in remeberance of those who died and in cheerfful optimisim of the future. Always aware of a good festival, bards and other travelling entertainers make their way to Mythshire to join in, and profit, from the festivities. Children with aspirations of heroic adventures of their own will dress up as their favorite heroes, looking forward to "The Battle for Mythshire," that begins once nightfall arrives. Adults will don masks of orcs and run through town causing mischief, while the children will attempt to chase them down and banish them from Mythshire. This involves the removal of their mask and the handing over of sweets to the conquering heroes. The festival doesn't technically end until all of the orcs have been banished, which usually means they are off the street and safely locked away in their favorite tavern.


Reclamation day is celebrated on the anniversary of the final battle for Mythshire, the 15th of Tusveter. Like most celebrations dealing with revolutions or the banishment of tyrants, Vaelorin is praised throughout the day, with his symbol, the Rune of Retribution, being a common sight all through the town.
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