Cordero (Core-dare-roh)

A Major Power in Arturias



A shadowy cabal of unknown figureheads are known to be at the top of the government. Naturally, this is a concern but the improvements they have made to remedy the common Corderan livelihood has gain them favor with the public. What roll they play in Corderan politics is managing all aspects of society, not directly of course, but how immediate their involvement is is still uncertain.


The Imperator, currently held by Donovan Foster, leads the people of Cordero directly. Whether the Imperator is the mouthpiece of the Artisans is up to scrutiny but it has been shown that the Imperator can push things to their own whim from time to time.

General Assembly

The General Assembly is a court often ridiculed for its vestigial presence in Corderan society. The purpose of this grand court of chosen or elected bureaucrats is merely to argue and discuss matters of importance. Laws are drafted and sent to the Imperator to approve of. In terms of function, that’s effectively it. Otherwise, critics point out it’s merely testing grounds of political allegiances for those who wish to rise in favor with the Artisans.

Burgomasters and Governors

In Cordero, a Burgomaster is a governor over a rural area or very small town. A governor leads over a city. Both leaders are on the same level and adhere to any laws that get passed in the General Assembly.


Upper Classes

The appearance of being noble and dignified is everything to those up top. There is certainly a hidden disdain for the lower classes because of this. A lot of rumors and gossip suggest that nobles use beatings on their children as a quick short term solution to instilling a sense of discipline. Tragedies do occur should the parent rely on this method too much and little consequence is met should the parent be important to the Imperator or Artisans.

In order to get special funding from the Imperator or Artisans, they must showcase how they have contributed to the country. Many nobles get into squabbles about who did what and if there is authenticity to their actions. Proving that a noble did shortcuts could prove to be a financial death sentence from the Artisans.

Middle Classes

The middle class are considered the happiest demographic within the country. They are not entirely pressured into doing what is right for the country nor are they under the strain of ruthless foremen or unforgiving managers. Most middle class enjoy the content peace of working in simple shops and delivering specialty goods.

Lower Classes

The lower classes cannot escape the voices from agitators and loudspeakers that battle for their hearts, minds, and souls. Each day at work, someone is there from the Cavalcade Chronicle to whip them up in rage about the latest of what Dover has been up to. Naturally, they are urged to keep working in order to ensure the country's main rival doesn't get ahead of them. Some workers are deathly loyal while others are apathetic and just want to live as best as they can afford.


Cultural Renaissance

Calthan Turril was one of the many Feudal Era kings who questioned the legitimacy of the Cultivarum and unity to restore the old Nastirn Empire. By the start of this Cultural Renaissance period, he secured a comfortable spot overlooked by the Cordo Mountainside home to many crodda, which are falcon-like birds. From there, he founded Cordero.

Calthan only knew war, however, and retirement was not an option as it made him restless when doing nothing. The opportunity proved fatal for him as cruel tyrants, the rulers of the soon-to-be Kingdom of Dover, came and caused havoc for the people.

Enlightenment Era

King Octmor led Cordero at the time. Compared to his predecessors, he was quite mediocre. The Corderan people explored ideas of their new culture and ideas while he didn’t really get involved. It would take a harsh defeat at the hands of Doven to showcase Octmor and his lackeys their ineptitudes to the people.

A civil war erupted. It was only brief, however, lasting only two months of vicious fighting. What brought a swift end was a beloved general, Donovan Foster, backed by the Artisans. Naturally, the people were skeptical of the outcome but the change in their livelihoods for the better quelled their fears, if not grew support.

Industrial Era

In the current time, Cordero has surprised Doven with a handful of new victories with this new Imperator. The Cavalcade Chronicle writes many glorious reviews about the establishment. Some would say a new golden era is at hand for the country should Imperator Foster and the Artisans continue to play their hands correctly.



Marecoro is a coastal province in the south of the country. It is a major dockyard for both trade and a naval shipyard.

Foreign Relations

Kingdom of Doven

One cannot mention Cordero without getting their rival, the Kingdom of Doven, involved. These two major powers have been tearing the other apart since the late feudal years. Nowadays, both King Barlen and Imperator Foster bicker and argue in public in hopes of showing one faction's superiority over the other.

Kern Confederacy

Kern is a small country to the north of Cordero that also neighbors Doven. Officially, Kern is favorable to Cordero but is hesitant to make any pacts official should fighting break out. Chancellor Vadima wants to be close with the country but other officials are skeptical of what Cordero wants.

Miralese Republic

Miral is another small country that sits uncomfortably between Doven and Cordero. A few years ago, the loss of Archduchess Elmina, who had close ties with Cordero, meant a turbulent power struggle. Taking her place became Archduke Calmero who aligned with Doven so long as independence could be guaranteed.


Otsukai considers itself to be the last spirit and vestige of the Nastirn Empire, as they at least want to embody what the old Cultivarum sought. Naturally, it doesn't trust or even seek to associate with both Cordero or Doven and hate both sides.


The Stlikere have had trust issues ever since the Hastliven problem back in the Nastirn Era. Cordero has reached out to them and sought closer ties. Thankful, the Stlikere reciprocate the offer and have considered defensive pacts, coming to the aid of the other should one side fight a defensive war.

Discipline will overcome strife.
— Artisan motto

Geopolitical, Country
Ruling Organization
Head of Government
Government System
Power Structure
Economic System
Mixed economy
  • City of Calvegarde
  • Province of Marecoro
  • Controlled Territories
    Neighboring Nations
    Related Ethnicities

    Florenic Discord



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